10 Ways To Protect Your Energy From Negative People

10 Ways To Protect Your Energy From Negative People

I’m sure you’ve ever felt perfectly fine, but you’ve come into contact with a person you’ve asked about how they’re feeling, and they’ve dumped their stress, problems, and pain on you. Just like happiness is contagious, so is negativity. But here it’s not just walking through relationships that can drop a negative bomb on us, but also when we spend time with ourselves. And during this time we turn to social networks, daily news around the world and the like. You will soon learn more about how to protect your energy from negative intrusions.

Definite exposure to drama is as strong a building block of negative energy in us as exposure to individuals who are dealing with negative emotions and feelings. The most effective way is definitely awareness, so you can create a protective shield and conserve your energy.

10 Ways To Protect Your Energy From Negative People

Wondering why humans are so contagious with negative energy, empathy definitely comes into play here. Some have a highly developed intuition, some less so. Those with strong empathy quickly lose control and empathize too much with the emotions and feelings of others.

And also into dramatic events and news. Don’t get me wrong, that’s totally fine. The bad thing can be that they quickly take this negative energy on themselves, and later worry about other people’s problems.

Tips on how to protect your energy from negative intrusions

Set boundaries around yourself

I completely understand that sometimes you find yourself in a situation where a friend or a close person bombards you with their problems. As a good companion, you listen and are open to the person pouring out their feelings.

But here I want to warn you to observe your feeling, in complete awareness. And if you feel overburdened and your conversation starts to stifle, step in and also signal a clear STOP to the person. You can continue the conversation later and say you need a break. And thus you turn the conversation to completely different topics.

I myself stick to awareness at every step, sometimes I get lost among people who like to open drama gossip, and similar topics, but I myself am not such a person. That’s why I like to quickly avoid such conversations or change the topic to something more positive. I’m not interested in the lives of people I don’t know or whose stories I don’t know. What is important is my path and living as fully and consciously as possible.

Identify your negative thoughts

When you find yourself surrounded by negative thoughts and feelings, always try to find the source. Surely it has happened to you before, for example: that you had some physical problems and went to
research on the internet what is happening to you has led you to become completely scared and filled with negative energy. You have created the belief that the problem is terrible. Although it all worked out well in the end.

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Familiar? Always look for the source of negative thoughts, maybe you have turned to social networks and browsed the profiles of people living the dream life. When you let go of your phone or device, your mood and feeling become completely different. This is exactly what I want to tell you, be careful where you direct your attention or energy. This is the only way to protect yourself from negative energy.

Breathing and meditation

The use of breathing and meditation are well-known techniques for releasing negative energy. Take time for yourself, sit in a comfortable position, and while breathing or meditating, imagine how you remove negative energy with each exhalation. You can also use the showering technique, where you simply wash the negative energy out of you and into the drain. Every breath should bring you new, fresh, positive energy. Try it out.

Digital Detox

Incorporate a new habit into your weekly or daily routine. Set a period of time when you will spend time without technology. Use this time for your other interests. You go for a walk, exercise, cuddle with a pet or loved one, create, read… basically anything that will relax you. Take control of yourself and closely monitor what you are doing on technological devices.

So what you listen to, what you watch, what you read, and always carry awareness with you. In this way, you will be able to maintain your energy and well-being. You want this, don’t you? I have been using this awareness for some time in my life and I have to admit that it is great self-discipline training, my productivity has increased and the use of time is absolutely perfect.

Use a mental trick

You may have heard of an imaginary bubble around you or simply a shield. It falls under mental tricks, but visualization has incredible power. Whenever you are exposed to negative energy, create a mental bubble that will protect you from absorbing negative energy.

Maybe you come to work one day in a completely good mood and filled with new energy, but your colleagues are not in a completely good mood. This is a great opportunity to protect yourself from negative intrusions. Why would you take home negative energy at the end of work, right? Leave it there and start the day with your family in a positive way.

Don’t resort to drugs

If negative energy takes over you too, don’t rush into drugs. Make a decision to improve your mood and surround yourself with positive energy. Get into a healthy habit or technique that you use to relax. This is the only way you will quickly escape from the prison of negativity.

Pay attention to your monologue

It is also important to pay attention to your self-talk. Don’t let some mistakes you may have made spoil your entire energy and the rest of the day. Again, awareness and listening to your thoughts and self-talk are important here. Stop in time and change the reaction above yourself. Do not create negative energy unnecessarily, this is exactly what you will attract to yourself, what you create in your head.

If you will be critical of yourself all day, because of some morning mistake or failure. At that time, do not expect the day to be clear and sunny, but it is possible that you will encounter mistakes, clumsiness, and the like at several steps. But don’t blame it on a bad day or getting up wrong in the morning. The power of how your day will be is in your hands.

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Detach yourself from other people’s problems

If a person expresses negative thinking and feelings about one thing, problems. Don’t dwell on other people’s problems and relive them over and over again. It is not your responsibility, you have shown your empathy enough if you listened to the person and tried to help. After that, leave it completely alone. Focus on your life.

Also, if a person just thinks negatively about a topic, don’t let it lead you to change your beliefs for the sake of others. Create beliefs that are acceptable to you and not what others say. This is precisely why you are special because you are independent.

Don’t try to change others

Changing other people’s negative beliefs can be very draining. You can express your opinion and what point of view you have on a certain topic. But convincing and changing others is completely pointless, you will only harm yourself.

We all walk the path of life, but we all meet with our knowledge, beliefs, experiences, people… etc.. That’s why we have so many different perceptions and opinions… You are responsible for yourself, what kind of lifestyle you have, how you take care of yourself, how you feel, what kind of relationship you have with yourself, etc. Therefore, create a real paradise out of your life and in your head.

Take control of your problems and stress

If we ourselves are exposed to a lot of negative factors and can barely maintain our energy. We will definitely be more sensitive to the negative energy of other people and the environment. So take control of your problems and stress, use your strategies, and strengthen the positive energy around you. In this way, create a strong shield around you.

Imagine that your energy, body, and mental health is your best friend. Surely you wouldn’t hurt your best friend, right? But we would like the best for him, so take good care of your energy, maintain well-being, and such. Do not let yourself absorb negative energy from the environment and from other people. All the best until next time. I will be happy if you share the article further.

How do you more consciously protect yourself from the negative influences of your surroundings? Share your best strategies for maintaining positive energy in challenging situations.

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