how to become more organized

10 Habits That Will Make You a Super Organized Person

Do you ever feel a nagging sense of inefficiency at the end of the day, as if the day has gone to waste? Tasks that might have taken you only 10 minutes easily stretched into three-quarters of an hour. We all have the same number of hours in a day; what sets us apart is how we value our time and how effectively we work. Let me introduce you to 9 habits that will make you a super-organized person.

What are the benefits of being organized?

When we’re organized, we’re more efficient, allowing us to focus on our work without worrying about forgetting something. Being an organized person brings numerous advantages, such as:

  • Time savings
  • Reduced levels of stress and worry
  • No more missing appointments
  • Improved reliability
  • Life order, fewer unnecessary things
  • Greater motivation in all areas
  • Items never get lost
  • Increased productivity
10 Habits That Will Make You a Super Organized Person

Practical habits that will make you a super organized person:

1. Keep things in one place

How many times have you frantically searched for your keys or phone as you were heading out the door? This stress can easily be alleviated with one simple habit: keeping essential items in one place. When you come home, always put down your keys, wallet, mobile phone, headphones, and other everyday items in a designated spot. This will save you time and nerves, as you won’t have to wonder where your things are.

It’s not just about basic items but also about items we might need less frequently, whether it’s adhesive tape, super glue, hair ties, or anything similar. We may not need them constantly, but when the situation arises, it’s much easier if we know where a certain item is located.

16 Ways To Skyrocket Your Productivity No Matter Where You Are

To have better organization of items, you can use storage containers or decorative items such as a wall organizer for keys or a small basket.

2. Make a to-do list

To-do lists are crucial for maintaining organization and peace of mind. Personally, writing a list helps me clear my mind. Instead of trying to remember everything, simply jot down everything you need to do. Use a board on the fridge, a phone app, or a piece of paper. Write down all important things: birthdays, shopping lists, events, meetings, and holiday gift ideas. This way, you’ll always have an overview of your day and tasks, which will help you not forget anything important.

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There are countless free task-list apps available, such as Google Keep, Asana, Trello, or Microsoft To Do. These apps offer numerous features where you can create lists, add reminders, and sync them across all your devices. If you prefer to use paper, you can simply use a notebook or sticky notes that you can place in a visible place.

Writing down tasks allows you to visualize them and prioritize them. Start with the most important tasks so that you’ll have a sense of achievement and relief when you cross them off the list. This way, you’ll be more efficient and less prone to procrastination, as you’ll know exactly what needs to be done and by when.

3. Establish a daily planning routine

Start your day with planning. Instead of browsing through news and social media in the morning, review your to-do list and set priorities instead. Planning your day will help you stay focused and productive.

Use a planner or an app like Todoist, which allows you to prioritize tasks and set deadlines.
For example, if you have an important meeting at 10 a.m., jot down preparations and necessary materials in advance. This way, you’ll avoid last-minute rushes and stress. Additionally, you’ll have a clear overview of the rest of the day, which will help you adapt to any changes or unexpected tasks more easily.

4. Avoid multitasking

Often, we want to step out of our skin and become superheroes who can accomplish 5 tasks at once. It sounds wonderful if only it were possible. Increasingly studies show that multitasking doesn’t necessarily lead to quality results. As we can’t express our focus and quality through 5 tasks simultaneously.

Imagine being at work, replying to emails, talking to your mom on the phone, eating lunch, and organizing papers. How will you do all these tasks as well as possible? You’ll likely get everything done, but your attention will be divided, reducing efficiency and work quality. In other words, everyone can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, but no one can focus on more than one thing.

Focus on one task at a time

Dedicate yourself to one task at a time to improve your productivity and organization. When you start a task, focus solely on it and complete it before moving on to the next one. This way, you’ll reduce errors and finish work more quickly.
You can use the Pomodoro technique, where you work for 25 minutes without interruption, then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer, 15-30 minute break. This method helps you maintain focus and prevents burnout. Try the Pomodone app to track your cycles.

5. Learn to manage your time

If you want to become more organized, it’s crucial to learn to manage your time. Without good time management, it’s difficult to keep up with tasks and achieve goals. The good news is that time management is a skill that anyone can master with some practice and the right techniques.
Time blocking

One of the effective techniques is time blocking, where you plan every moment of your day in advance. This includes everything – from meetings and tasks to breaks and even time for browsing social media. Creating a detailed schedule allows you to take control of your time and identify where you can improve your productivity.

For example, if you notice that you spend too much time on email, you can allocate specific time blocks for checking and replying to messages.


Timeboxing is a technique where you allocate a time frame for each task completed. Instead of leaving tasks open, which leads to work stretching (the so-called Parkinson’s Law), set a precise time in which the task must be completed. This helps you focus and increase your efficiency. For example, set yourself 30 minutes to write a report and commit to completing the task within that time.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique helps you focus on work using short, intense work blocks. It consists of 25-minute work intervals followed by 5-minute breaks. After four intervals, take a longer break. This method helps reduce distractions and improve concentration. During the Pomodoro, turn off notifications and fully dedicate yourself to the task. If you find yourself losing focus, remember that a break is just around the corner.

Pomodoro technique

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Eat That Frog

The “Eat That Frog” method derives from the famous Mark Twain quote: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning.” This means starting your day with the most difficult or important tasks. Once you accomplish these tasks, the rest of the day will be easier, as you’ll have a sense of achievement and relief. Identify the most challenging tasks each morning and tackle them first to start the day with victories.

Time management in practice

When you master time management, you’ll have more control over your schedule and less stress. Try some of these techniques and adjust your approach until you find what works best for you. For example, use apps like Google Calendar for time blocking, Todoist for timeboxing, or Focus Booster for the Pomodoro technique.

6. Reduce distractions

It’s almost impossible to get work done if you constantly glance at messages on your phone. Distractions are the biggest enemy of productivity and organization. When tackling a task, remove anything that could disturb you. Put your phone on airplane mode, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and let people around you know that you don’t want to be disturbed. With this habit, you’ll improve your organization and efficiency.

7. Prioritize tasks

A habit that will make you a super organized person is being able to prioritize tasks. Take a few minutes, review your to-do list, and determine which tasks are most urgent and important.

You can use the Eisenhower matrix method, where you divide tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. This way, you’ll see more clearly which tasks need to be done immediately, which ones can be planned for later, which ones can be delegated, and which ones can be eliminated. The Trello app is excellent for visualizing and managing these tasks.

8. Plan breaks

Continuous work may seem efficient, but it’s often counterproductive. Studies suggest that regular breaks and rest increase efficiency and engagement at work.

Take care of your eyes and body

Take an eye break if your work involves spending a lot of time in front of screens. You might use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something at least 20 meters away for 20 seconds. This will help reduce eye strain.

Regardless of your work type, you probably find yourself often not maintaining the correct posture. Take some time to stretch or take a short walk. Straighten your posture frequently, avoid lifting objects with your back. Your body will be thankful, and you’ll reduce physical tension and increase blood flow, which improves energy levels.

What can you do during breaks?

  • Walk around your workplace, do some stretching exercises, open a window and breathe fresh air, or if you’re at home, go for a short walk.
  • If you’re in a home environment, practice a short meditation or deep breathing to calm your mind and reduce tension.
  • Treat yourself to a healthy snack like nuts or fruit and stay hydrated.
  • Call a loved one, whether it’s your grandmother, mother, or friend.

9. Plan your meals

Food is essential. Meal planning is an excellent way to improve organization and reduce the stress associated with food preparation. Take a few minutes each week to prepare a meal plan. Start by reviewing your calendar and familiarizing yourself with your commitments.

This way, you’ll know when you have more or less time for cooking. You can then plan simple and quick meals for days when you have less time and more complex recipes for when you have more free time.

Create a shopping list

Once you’ve determined the menu, list all the necessary ingredients. Check what you already have at home and add the items you need to buy. Organize the list by categories, such as vegetables, dairy products, and meat, to make shopping faster.
Time for shopping and preparation

Plan the time for shopping and cooking. Set a day and time for grocery shopping, ensuring you have everything to prepare meals for the entire week. Also, reserve time for meal preparation – for example, prepare larger quantities of food on weekends and freeze them for later use. This will save you time during the week and help you stick to your meal plan.

Meal planning will help you avoid the daily stress of wondering “What are we going to eat today?” and allow you to enjoy balanced and delicious meals without having to constantly think about food preparation. I’ve created a simple meal planner that includes everything you need to manage your time wisely regarding nutrition.

The Smart Digital Meal Planner

10 Listen to your natural inclinations

Trying to organize your life by imposing unnatural habits and routines can quickly become frustrating. Instead of trying to be someone you’re not, embrace your natural inclinations and form habits that suit you.

There’s nothing wrong with not following standard productivity advice. For example, if you’re most creative at night, use those quiet hours to create. Also, indulge in eating habits that suit you rather than following trends that don’t align with your preferences.

Adapting habits

Find alternatives that meet your needs. For example, opt for outdoor activities like running or cycling if you don’t enjoy indoor workouts. Also, focus on information absorption methods that work best for you, whether it’s listening to podcasts or watching videos.

Accepting habits and routines that align with your natural inclinations saves you time and energy. Instead of adopting what you hate, focus on what you enjoy. Not only will this make your life easier, but it will also increase your productivity and overall satisfaction.
Embrace your uniqueness and find ways to organize your life in a way that suits you best. This way, you’ll achieve more and feel better about it.

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One Comment

  1. Great post!
    It’s simple (but not simple) to be organized: it requires a constant effort in all the smallest things so that big things can seem more manageable πŸ™‚

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