11 Warning Signs of Burnout You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have you ever felt like you were juggling a thousand tasks at once? Have you completely dedicated yourself to work without taking the time to listen to your body? You might be on the path to burnout without even realizing it. Burnout is increasingly common today, affecting 8-10% of the population, so it’s essential to learn how to recognize the signs of burnout.

Sometimes it seems like we can move mountains and take on more than we can handle. This is often driven by the expectations of employers, family, and society. As a result, we can quickly find ourselves in a vicious cycle, trying to satisfy everyone around us while neglecting ourselves and our limitations.

Factors Contributing to Burnout

It’s not just work that can push us over the edge. Think about all the obligations and expectations you have in life. When we feel like we’re swimming against the current and lack energy, it’s the first sign that something is wrong.

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The factors that can contribute to burnout include:

  • Poor control over your work,
  • Overly demanding expectations at work,
  • Monotonous work,
  • Chaotic and drama-filled environment,
  • Being stuck in unhealthy and toxic relationships,
  • Lack of sleep,
  • High expectations of oneself within an unrealistic timeframe,
  • Disrupted balance between work and personal life,
  • Staying late at work, overtime, weekends, etc.,
  • Toxic relationships (conflicts).
Signs of burnout

Most Common Signs of Burnout

1. Problems with concentration

Have you ever found yourself staring at your work but simply unable to start? It feels like your thoughts are everywhere except where they should be. This is one of the common signs of burnout—problems with concentration.

When we are overwhelmed by stress and pressure, our ability to focus significantly decreases. It feels like there is a fog in our mind, preventing us from dedicating ourselves to a specific task. You might find yourself reading the same sentence over and over without understanding it, or constantly forgetting what you intended to do. If you notice increasing difficulties with concentration, it’s an important signal that you need to slow down and take care of yourself.

2. Increased irritability

Burnout manifests as an emotional roller coaster. Have you noticed that things that don’t usually bother you now get on your nerves? Increased irritability is one of the signs of burnout. When we are constantly exposed to pressures, our threshold for stress becomes much lower. Every noise, every mistake, or unexpected situation can trigger strong emotional reactions in us.

Irritability often stems from feeling overwhelmed and unable to manage all our responsibilities. Our bodies and minds are constantly on edge, causing us to get angry quickly.

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3. Chronic fatigue

Do you drag yourself out of bed every morning to go to work? Do you wake up tired, no matter how many hours you’ve slept? Chronic fatigue is one of the most obvious signs of burnout. When we experience burnout, fatigue follows us throughout the day, regardless of how well we’ve slept at night. Even small tasks seem exhausting.

The feeling of constant exhaustion is a result of prolonged stress that drains the body and soul.

4. Loss of motivation

You might have noticed that things that once brought you joy now leave you indifferent. Loss of motivation is a common sign of burnout. When you are overwhelmed, you lose interest in work, hobbies, and even time spent with family. You simply no longer find the will to engage in activities that once satisfied you.

5. Feelings of worthlessness

Burnout can gradually erode our self-confidence. You might feel like you’re not meeting the standards you’ve set for yourself or that you’re never good enough. This feeling of worthlessness is a common sign of burnout. Prolonged stress can bring us to the point where we start doubting our value and abilities, further worsening our overall well-being.

6. Substance abuse

When a cup of coffee, a cigarette, or a glass of wine becomes essential to get through the day, it might be a symptom of burnout that we haven’t recognized yet. People facing burnout often turn to substances like caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol to cope with stress.

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When we are constantly under stress, we look for quick fixes to feel better, even if only for a short time. We believe that caffeine can help us stay awake and focused, alcohol can relax us, and tobacco can give us a sense of temporary relief. However, we know that in the long run, these habits are not beneficial but rather harmful.

7. Anxiety

Burnout is often accompanied by increased anxiety and persistent worry, especially related to our work or personal achievements. When you’re burnt out, it can feel like you are constantly haunted by thoughts about whether you’re good enough, if you can complete tasks on time, if others will judge you, whether the task will be successfully completed, what the consequences will be if it isn’t, and so on.

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The chronic stress experienced during burnout increases the production of stress hormones in the body, further heightening feelings of anxiety. This vicious cycle can make you feel constantly on edge, as if you never truly manage to relax.

8. Tasks start piling up

When responsibilities and tasks begin to accumulate, it often feels like we can no longer keep up with the pace. This is one of the typical signs of burnout, often leading to procrastination. Instead of tackling tasks, you might find yourself in a spiral of procrastination, where the list of things to do only grows longer.

You may feel paralyzed by the growing pile of obligations, which seems impossible to manage. Prolonged stress and pressure, reduce motivation and energy productivity, causing tasks to accumulate on the other side.

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9. Feeling scatterbrained and forgetful

Do you often forget where you put your keys or lose track of your thoughts during a conversation? It might be time to take care of yourself. Burnout significantly impairs the ability to concentrate, making it difficult to stay focused on tasks.

It often leads to forgetfulness and distraction, which can cause additional frustration and stress. Our brains are in a constant state of alertness, leading them to tire quickly and function less effectively. As a result, it becomes harder to remember important information.

10. Physical symptoms

It might surprise you, but burnout doesn’t only manifest through emotional and mental issues. It often manifests through various physical symptoms, such as:

  • headaches and sleep problems,
  • muscle pain,
  • digestive issues (digestive disorders, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome),
  • a tendency for the immune system to function poorly (susceptibility to frequent illnesses),
  • high blood pressure,
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus),
  • feelings of detachment.
  • Your body is signaling that something is wrong and that action is needed. When we are under constant pressure, our immune system weakens, making us more likely to fall ill from even a slight breeze.

11. Denial of personal boundaries

Burnout can erase our personal boundaries, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a balance between professional and personal life. Instead of protecting yourself from excessive work, you might often take on additional tasks, stay longer at work, or continue working during your free time.

Jessica Gaddy described it well when she said, “I see burnout as a candle slowly extinguishing its flame, and if we don’t recognize the signs and risk factors, we can find ourselves burnt out with only the wick left.” It’s important to learn to say “NO” without feeling guilty and to regularly take time to rest and recharge your energy.

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Admitting that you can’t do everything is the first step to protecting your mental health.

Questions to Help Identify Burnout

Are you wondering if you might be experiencing burnout? Here are some questions that can help you recognize the symptoms of burnout. Take a moment for yourself answer these questions honestly, and think about how you feel.

  1. Do you often feel exhausted, even if you have had enough sleep?
  2. Do you find it hard to concentrate on tasks and frequently forget things?
  3. Do you feel like your tasks and responsibilities are constantly piling up, and you can’t keep up?
  4. Do you often feel anxious or worried about work or personal achievements?
  5. Do you frequently overuse caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, or other substances to cope with stress?
  6. Do you feel like you’ve lost joy in things that once made you happy?
  7. Do you find it hard to stand up for yourself and say “no,” even when you know you’re overwhelmed?
  8. Do you often feel powerless, hopeless, or worthless?
  9. Do you struggle to maintain a balance between work and personal life?
  10. Do you feel like you’re always available for others but never for yourself?

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