How to Create New Lasting Habits

Guide to Creating New Lasting Habits + FREE Habit Tracker

Every beginning is filled with excitement โ€“ a new notebook, a fresh calendar, a list of goals. But a few weeks later, enthusiasm often fades, and old routines take control. Why is it so hard to maintain a new habit?

There’s a belief that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. This idea originates from the 1950s, when plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz noticed that his patients took about three weeks to adjust to their new appearance. However, later research has shown that the actual time to establish a lasting habit is much more varied โ€“ on average, 66 days, sometimes even several months.

This guide to creating new lasting habits is based on real insights into how the human mind works, not myths. Below, weโ€™ll explore how to create habits that donโ€™t disappear at the first challenge but become part of your everyday life. At the end, you’ll also find a free habit tracker to help you stay on track.

Exhaustive Guide To Creating New Lasting Habits

1. Choose A Tracking Method That Works For You

When you set out to create new habits, one of the most important things to consider is how you’ll track your progress. It’s about building a bridge between the desire for change and its realization. It’s easy to forget our goals or struggle with the feeling that we’re not making progress. That’s why it’s important to find a tool that helps you stay focused and motivated on the right path.

Youโ€™ve probably tried various apps, such as Habitica or HabitBull, which allow you to track progress with reminders and daily challenges. And indeed, research has shown that technology can help form habits by constantly encouraging us to stay on track.

However, it doesnโ€™t have to be the only solution. Some people swear by physical reminders โ€“ journaling or tracking progress on paper can have a significant effect on our thoughts and emotions.

2. Set SMART Goals

At the beginning, it’s common to set goals that are either too vague or too big. “I want to be healthier.” “I want to be more productive.” But if we don’t specify exactly what that means, it can quickly lead to a lack of direction.

Itโ€™s like trying to reach a destination without a clear map. How will we know when weโ€™ve achieved what we wanted? The key is to set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This helps avoid confusion and leads to real results.

You might have heard that many successful people use SMART goals, but let me emphasize how important it is for goals to be specific. If you want to start exercising, ask yourself: How many times a week? For how long? When? Instead of saying “I want to exercise more,” set a specific goal like: “I want to exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, at 7 AM.” This goal is clear, measurable, and time-bound, making it easier to track progress.

But thatโ€™s not all โ€“ achievability is crucial. If you set a goal you can’t reach, you’ll only lose motivation. Donโ€™t be too ambitious at first. Start slowly and gradually, as psychologist BJ Fogg says: “The secret to lasting change isn’t about setting big goals but about starting with small and achievable steps.”

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And of course, each goal must be relevant to you. Set goals that align with your values and lifestyle. For instance, if you want to improve your health, choose a physical activity you truly enjoy โ€“ not something you just “have to” do.

Set a timeframe, because without it, we often get stuck in an endless “tomorrow.” It may seem like you can push the goal to later, but when you set a date, you’ve already taken the first step toward realization.

3. Harness The Power of Habits

Sometimes, the simplest habits can prevent progress, but how do we change them? Charles Duhigg, in his book The Power of Habit, explains that habits consist of three key components: the trigger, the routine, and the reward. Once we understand how they work, we can build healthier habits that support us in achieving our goals. This is part of your guide to creating new lasting habits.

Trigger- The First Step Towards Change

A trigger is something that initiates a habit. It could be the time of day, the environment youโ€™re in, or even your internal state โ€“ emotions or thoughts. For example, when weโ€™re stressed, a trigger might remind us of an old habit, such as seeking comfort in unhealthy food or smoking. By becoming aware of this, weโ€™re already on the right path to changing our response. Instead of falling into a negative cycle, we can recognize the trigger and choose a healthier alternative.

Routine – What Will You Do with the Trigger?

The routine is the action that follows the trigger. For example, when weโ€™re stressed, we might seek comfort in food. But if we want to change our habits, we can adjust the routine to include actions that calm us, such as taking a walk in fresh air, doing breathing exercises, or meditating. Itโ€™s important to allow routines to change gradually. Donโ€™t stress if things donโ€™t always go as planned. Every small change counts, and over time, your new routine will become embedded in your daily life.

Reward – What Motivates Us?

A reward is what motivates us to repeat the habit. It can be like the feeling of satiety after a meal, or psychological, like the relief after completing a task. Understanding what rewards us can help you find healthier alternatives to meet these needs. Instead of sweets, treat yourself to a fragrant bath or read a good book.

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Over time, youโ€™ll realize that these new rewards are just as fulfilling, if not more, than the previous ones. The key is to change your rewards and not seek immediate gratification. Over time, youโ€™ll find that the new reward gives you a greater sense of fulfillment in the long run.

4. Creating a Positive Environment for New Habits

Our environment โ€“ the people around us and the space we move in โ€“ plays a significant role in shaping our habits. When we want to create new lasting habits, we must adjust our environment to support our goals. This is an important step in your guide to creating new lasting habits.

For example, if you want to quit smoking, it would be helpful to avoid the company that encourages smoking. It may sound simple, but often we face a significant challenge, as our habits are sometimes tied to people we care about. When friends step outside for a cigarette, try staying inside. Instead of facing the challenge, create a space where you feel supported in your decisions.

5. Ensure Your Motivation Is Constant, Not Just Temporary

Motivation is like fire. It can ignite quickly, but it can also burn out just as fast. When creating new habits, we often seek motivation in the initial excitement. However, this is not enough. For long-term success, we need something that will keep us motivated over time. The key to sustaining motivation is to create a system of rewards and reminders that support us once that initial spark fades.

You may have already heard of the reward system โ€“ how we can promise ourselves a reward for achieving a goal. For example, treat yourself to something enjoyable at the end of the week once you’ve reached your goal. Itโ€™s important to choose rewards that motivate you on a deeper level. But itโ€™s also crucial not to just wait for major milestones. Every small step forward is important โ€“ celebrate the smaller victories. Guide to creating new lasting habits is all about appreciating and rewarding each step along the way, as it encourages us to keep going.

6. Flexibility and Forgiveness

Creating new habits is a journey, not a destination. Itโ€™s important to realize that this isnโ€™t always an easy task and that failures are not the end of the world, but just a step along the way. Winston Churchill once said: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

This is wisdom we must keep in mind when facing obstacles. Every failure is an opportunity for growth if we choose to persist. This philosophy applies especially when we set out to create lasting habits. Just like in life, habit formation doesnโ€™t always go as planned. What matters is that we remain flexible and ready for change.

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When we think about flexibility, consider how your ideal habit would look. Perhaps you set the goal to exercise every day for thirty minutes. But at first, you find yourself in a situation where you donโ€™t have enough time or energy. What if you tried shorter, easier workouts that fit into your daily life? Maybe ten-minute walks or quick exercises at home could become part of your routine, making it easier to achieve than intense gym workouts. Designing flexible habits that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine is a key part of the guide to creating new lasting habits.

Free Habit Tracker

As promised, hereโ€™s a free habit tracker that you can download by signing up in the form below. Itโ€™s straightforward to useโ€”start by thinking about the new habits you want to establish or replacing old habits with new ones.

Then, each time you successfully carry out a new habit or stick to avoiding an unwanted one, mark it in the box. This way, youโ€™ll always stay up-to-date on how long youโ€™ve maintained your habit, track your progress, and identify where you might need to make improvements.

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