Are You Tired Of Overthinking Before Sleep? Try These Tricks

Are You Tired Of Overthinking Before Sleep? Try These Tricks

Have you ever laid down in bed, closed your eyes, and hoped you would fall asleep, only to find your mind endlessly churning through all sorts of things? Maybe you had an uncomfortable conversation that morning, or you’re already worrying about tomorrow’s plans. Just when you think you’re finally ready to rest, new to-do lists or things you might have forgotten pop into your head. Too many thoughts, not enough peace. I think we’ve all been caught in this cycle at some point, so today let’s explore how we can help ourselves and combat overthinking before sleep.

In this article, I’ll guide you through some simple and effective steps that can help you chase away those annoying thoughts and find true relaxation before sleep.

combat overthinking before sleep

Why is overthinking before sleep so common?

Certainly, nighttime rumination is something many of us face. It seems that just when we should be sleeping, our minds become most active. But why is this so prevalent? Well, there are several reasons, and as adults, we’re even more sensitive to this than we were as children. Remember how you were told to count sheep as a kid? Back then, it seemed fun and effective, as simple thoughts didn’t weigh us down. But today, as we navigate daily worries, calming your mind before sleep isn’t so easy, is it?

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Overthinking before sleep is common because our brains simply can’t stop processing all the information we’ve received throughout the day. During the day, we are filled with tasks, worries, and interactions with others—and when we finally stop in the evening, all those unprocessed impressions come to the surface. Suddenly, you find yourself in bed, ruminating about what your coworker said, what you could have done differently, or what awaits you tomorrow. It’s as if our minds decide it’s time for their nightly “talk show” just when you want a bit of peace and sleep.

Much of this nighttime struggle stems from stress, a tendency to constantly analyze, poor evening habits (like coffee before bed, checking emails, or scrolling through your phone), and major life changes such as breakups, the loss of loved ones, or difficult times. This inner turmoil not only affects our sleep but can also plunge us into feelings of anxiety, restlessness, or even depression. While we may strive to stop overthinking before bed, our brains often remain in “work mode.”

Experts warn that chronic overthinking can lead to more serious issues, such as generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, or even conditions like ADHD or hypomania. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to recognize these thought patterns and calm them down before they become a part of our daily routine.

Tricks to effectively combat overthinking before sleep

Establish an Evening Routine

A bedtime routine acts as a signal to the body and mind that it’s time to rest. By repeating the same steps every night, our bodies recognize that it’s time to wind down. This can include simple things like washing your face, reading a book, or listening to calming music. It’s essential to avoid anything that might wake us up further.

One of the biggest mistakes we often make is using electronic devices right before bed. Phones, tablets, and TVs emit blue light, which blocks melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep. Therefore, it’s advisable to avoid screens for at least an hour before bed. Instead, try more relaxing activities that can help calm your mind before sleep, like meditation, gratitude journaling, or gentle stretching.

Try Breathing Exercises

One relaxation technique before sleep is breathing exercises. When we breathe deeply and slowly, we signal our bodies to relax, which in turn calms the mind. One simple technique that can help you stop overthinking before bed is the 4-7-8 technique. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then slowly exhale for 8 seconds.

Repeat this a few times and observe how your breath leads you to a more tranquil state. Breathing exercises not only help quiet restless thoughts but also relax the body, which is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Additionally, they help redirect your attention away from incessant ruminations about past or future events.

Put Your Worries on Paper

Often, worries and thoughts weigh us down because we carry them to bed with us. Trying to push them aside usually only worsens things. Instead, try getting everything on your mind down on paper. Use a journal to write down your thoughts, worries, or tasks for the next day. This allows you to “empty” your head and prepare for a more peaceful sleep. This way, you can combat overthinking before sleep and relieve the burden of thoughts from your mind.

Set Priorities for the Next Day

Nothing is worse than lying in bed, with thoughts constantly reminding us of everything awaiting us the next day. Worries about whether we’ll accomplish everything can quickly spiral into overthinking before sleep. To calm these thoughts, start planning. Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to write down a list of tasks for the next day.

This relieves your mind because you know you have everything under control. Keep the list simple and focused on the most important tasks. This will give you a sense of organization and help your mind relax. Additionally, try not to overwhelm yourself with too many tasks.

Instead of piling on too much, focus on a few key tasks that you can realistically complete. This way, you’ll successfully calm your mind before sleep and avoid the endless rumination about what else you need to do.

The Power of Music

Music has an incredible ability to influence our emotional state and even our ability to relax before sleep. You might wonder how you can combat overthinking before sleep with a few melodies. Listening to soothing music acts as a natural sedative for the mind, helping you gradually calm down and prepare for rest.

Good music can release tension and synchronize your heartbeat and breathing. Studies have shown that certain frequencies of music can affect our brainwaves, leading to a calmer state. Therefore, it’s recommended to choose music with a slow tempo and no harsh sounds to achieve maximum relaxation effect.

Explore different genres—classical, ambient, or natural sounds like ocean waves or bird songs. Find what suits you best and helps you effectively calm your mind before sleep.

Visualization Technique

Did you know you can combat overthinking before sleep with a simple technique like visualization? Research shows that regular practice of this technique can improve sleep quality and reduce those distracting thoughts that throw you off track. People who practice visualization often report feelings of peace and relaxation before bed.

So how do you start? It’s easy!

  1. First, imagine a place or situation that calms you down. This could be a peaceful forest, a beach at sunset, your cozy corner at home, or perhaps tall mountains. You might recall your childhood days when you were told to count sheep—visualization is actually similar to this game!
  2. Activate Your Senses: Immerse yourself in that place. Try to feel the smells, let the wind gently brush your face, listen to the sounds of waves or birds singing. Let the sunlight warm you and carry you into a state of peace. Be present in that moment and experience that place with all your senses.
  3. For the best experience, it’s advisable to incorporate visualization regularly into your bedtime routine. Over time, it will develop into a powerful tool for combating overthinking before sleep. This mental process of creating vivid and realistic images in your imagination will evoke positive emotions and redirect your thoughts away from stressful situations that may be haunting you.

Relaxing Teas

Have you ever thought about how teas can work wonders for your body and mind? Enjoying a cup of soothing tea before bed is a simple yet effective way to calm your mind before sleep. Sip it slowly in a cozy environment and let yourself relax. Here are some teas that can gently lull you into a peaceful slumber:

  • Linden Flower Tea: This tea is known for its pleasant taste and calming properties. Drinking linden flower tea acts like a balm for your nervous system, helping you unwind after a long day.
  • Elderflower Tea: Elderflower tea may surprise you with its mild aroma and relaxing effect. Besides having a delightful flavor, elderflower is also rich in antioxidants, contributing to overall health.
  • Tansy Leaf Tea: Tansy is a traditional herb used for muscle relaxation. Tansy tea can help relax your body before bed, which is crucial for shaking off those pesky thoughts.
  • Passionflower Tea: Passionflower is known for its beneficial effects on the nervous system. This tea is an excellent choice if you want to stop overthinking before bed, as it can help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Lemon Balm and Peppermint Tea: The combination of lemon balm and peppermint provides a calming effect and brings a sense of freshness and relaxation. This tea is ideal for evenings when you want to quiet your thoughts and prepare for sleep.
  • Hops Tea: Hops aren’t just for beer! This tea is known as a natural relaxant that can help you wind down before sleep. Its pleasant taste and soothing properties make it perfect for the end of the day.
  • Lavender Tea: Lavender is famous for its relaxing scent, so it’s no surprise that lavender tea is an excellent choice before bed. It helps calm the mind and encourages restful sleep.
  • Rosehip Tea: Rosehip is not only tasty but also a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. This tea not only contributes to overall health but can also help you relax and calm your thoughts.

Try incorporating one or more of these teas into your bedtime routine. A moment of relaxation with a cup of tea can significantly help you let go of worries and combat overthinking before sleep.

Prepare a Bath

There’s nothing better than a relaxing bath by candlelight, with soothing music playing in the background. Bathing offers numerous benefits that can help you calm your mind before sleep and combat overthinking. Here are some advantages of bathing:

  • Relaxation: A warm bath is like a hug for your body, helping to release tense muscles and joints, often caused by stress. When you sink into warm water, your tension begins to melt away.
  • Just as a baby feels safe in the warm embrace of its mother, warmth also has a calming effect on adults. When you immerse yourself in warm water, your body releases endorphins, the natural “feel-good hormones,” freeing you from worries.
  • Baths help regulate the functioning of the nervous system, especially if you add relaxing essential oils. This creates a calm and pleasant atmosphere.
  • Introducing a bathing routine before bed acts as a signal for your body to prepare for sleep. With consistent practice, you can ensure a smoother and more peaceful transition into dreams.
  • Baths can alleviate tension and irritability that accumulate throughout the day, helping you create a positive and calm environment for the night.
  • While bathing, you have the opportunity to release thoughts, focus on yourself, and avoid distractions. This is your time to calm down and clear your mind.

How to Indulge in the Perfect Bath?

For this soothing experience, you will need:

  • 1 cup of bath salt (Epsom or Himalayan salt)
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 cup of oatmeal (optional)


  1. Heat water in the tub to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Add bath salt and mix well until dissolved.
  3. Add lavender essential oil to the bath and stir again.
  4. Optionally, add a cup of oatmeal for extra skin softness.
  5. Enjoy a relaxing bath for at least 20-30 minutes before bed.

The scent of lavender is known for its calming effects. Personally, I use it in an essential oil diffuser in my bedroom an hour or two before bed. You can also spray a few drops on your pillow. Lavender is a natural aid for managing stress and promoting relaxation, helping you combat overthinking before sleep.

Hand-Washing Dishes

It may sound unusual, but hand-washing dishes can become a true relaxation technique that helps you calm your mind before sleep. Some scientific studies have shown that this simple task can calm our thoughts and reduce stress, which is essential in today’s fast-paced life.

To take advantage of this opportunity, it’s crucial to approach dishwashing mindfully. This means focusing on the moment and being aware of all the sensations that come with the task.

Enjoy a Tai Chi Shower

This technique is a true gem when it comes to calming your mind before sleep and washing away stress and tension from your thoughts and body. With simple visualization and a feeling of relaxation, you can prepare your mind for a peaceful night’s rest.

How to Approach a Tai Chi Shower?

  • Start by getting comfortable. You can sit or kneel, depending on what feels best for you. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Now imagine you are in a warm pool or under a waterfall, where pleasant water flows. Feel how the warm water gently flows over your head and body. This sensation supports and soothes you.
  • While enjoying this calming moment, imagine that the water brings a pleasant scent. Perhaps it’s the scent of lavender or chamomile, which further aids in your relaxation. Savor this moment and let the water embrace you gently.
  • As you visualize the water flowing, imagine that each drop carries away all stress and tension. Visualize how the tension within you releases and leaves your body like bubbles carried away by the current. Allow yourself to be overtaken by the feeling of freedom.

With this simple ritual, you can effectively combat overthinking before sleep and prepare your body and mind for a peaceful sleep.

Surrendering to Life

As the day comes to an end and you prepare for sleep, it’s important to let go of worries and feelings that may hinder a peaceful night’s rest. Many people struggle with negative emotions, such as anger, which can make falling asleep difficult. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to calm your mind before sleep and surrender to the moment.

Acceptance of the Current State: Reflect on how you feel. Sometimes we encounter situations we cannot change, and instead of fighting against it, it’s better to go with the flow of life. Accepting current challenges can bring relief and lessen feelings of pressure and anxiety. When you surrender, it feels as if the burden you carry easily diminishes.

Problem Solving: Before you lie down, take a moment to think about the issues you faced today. Instead of taking them to bed with you, try to resolve them. Is there a way to improve the situation or approach it from a different perspective? Sometimes, just acknowledging that it’s okay to have problems is a step toward solving them.

Relaxing Your Thoughts: Use techniques like breathing exercises or short meditations to stop overthinking before bed. When you’re relaxed and calm, it’s easier to accept what life brings. Aim to prepare a space for thoughts that bring you peace before sleep. You might jot down positive thoughts or things you’re grateful for. This simple practice can help you let go of worries and negativity.

As you learn to surrender to life and accept current challenges, you’ll find that nighttime rest becomes easier, calmer, and more restorative. Let your thoughts drift away and immerse yourself in the sense of peace that acceptance brings.


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