11 Signs Your Partner Might Be Taking You for Granted

Have you ever wondered if your partner takes you for granted? Long-term relationships often fall into a routine where feelings of closeness and gratitude fade. When your partner starts taking you for granted, it can lead to feelings of neglect and being unheard, which is difficult to bear. In this article, we will focus on signs your partner is taking you for granted.

It’s not always obvious, as this often happens gradually – fewer compliments, less attention, or even less time dedicated to conversations. These small but important signs can speak volumes.

You may have already experienced this feeling but weren’t sure if you were just being overly sensitive or if something was truly wrong. That’s completely understandable, as we can feel confused or even guilty in such situations. Keep reading to see if any of this sounds familiar.

11 Signs Your Partner Is Taking You for Granted

1. You Always Plan the Time Together

In a harmonious relationship, both partners actively contribute to planning time together, as it is key to maintaining connection. But if you notice that you are always the one suggesting outings, booking dinners, or even planning when you will be together, this could be a cause for concern.

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When one partner stops putting effort into shared moments, it often means they’ve become too comfortable – as if your suggestions and efforts are taken for granted. If you feel overlooked or unheard in this situation, it could be a sign that your partner no longer sees your relationship as an equal partnership.

2. Your Partner’s Responsibilities Have Become Yours

A healthy relationship is based on mutual investment in everyday life—whether it’s household chores or shared responsibilities as partners. But what if your partner starts avoiding their duties? If they ignore the responsibilities you once shared and place all the burden on you, that can be a red flag.

This behavior could indicate that they no longer value your contribution and take your dedication for granted. When you see things piling up and you’re the only one trying to maintain balance, it’s time to consider why they’ve let go of the reins.

3. Communication Is Fading from Your Relationship

One of the key signs that your partner is taking you for granted is the lack of communication. A healthy relationship requires open conversations, honesty, and time dedicated to exchanging thoughts and feelings. However, when communication starts to fade, it’s a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored.

If you notice that your partner no longer asks about your day, avoids talking about your relationship, or responds with indifferent reactions, it may be a sign that they take your connection for granted. This dynamic can lead to feelings of isolation and self-doubt, which is emotionally draining.

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Instead of communication strengthening your relationship, it becomes something you always have to initiate and maintain on your own.

4. Your Needs Are Being Ignored

One of the most obvious signs that your partner is taking you for granted is when they start neglecting your needs and desires. In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel responsible for each other’s emotions and needs. But when your partner only focuses on their own wants and needs, it can lead to feelings of neglect and being unheard.

If your desires remain unaddressed, you may start to feel like your partner is no longer paying attention to you, but only to themselves. You might notice that they are increasingly focused solely on what benefits them or what works for them, while your emotional needs stay in the background. Your wants and needs matter and deserve equal attention, so it’s important that both partners strive for balance and mutual support in the relationship.

If this continues for a long time, it can lead to feelings of invisibility. Your partner may no longer notice that you are overwhelmed, tired, or in need of personal attention and respect.

5. You Are No Longer a Priority

If you’ve ever thought you’ve become somewhat of a “side character” in your partner’s life, this could be one of the clear signs your partner is taking you for granted. Everything should be in balance. Sometimes, partners can’t always focus solely on each other’s needs—other family members, friends, or even work obligations can be important too. However, if the story starts to shift and your needs are always second place, that’s a sign that your partner might be taking you for granted.

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If your partner always finds excuses for why they can’t be there for you, why they always miss important moments, or simply don’t pay attention to your wants and feelings, this isn’t something to overlook.

Every partner deserves to feel like a priority, especially in moments when you need support or attention. When your partner is increasingly focused on everything else except you, it can mean they no longer recognize the value you bring to the relationship.

6. Your Feelings Are No Longer Valid

When you’re vulnerable and seeking support, your partner is the one you rely on most to listen and comfort you. But if your partner constantly dismisses your emotions or even belittles them, it means they’re taking you for granted. Signs your partner is taking you for granted can show up when, instead of compassion, you hear that you’re “too sensitive” or “overreacting.”

This can be incredibly painful, as emotional support and empathy create a safe and healthy bond between partners. When your partner isn’t willing to validate your feelings and shuts their eyes when you need comfort, it’s a huge red flag. Relying on your partner to be your emotional support in such an environment becomes risky, as they may position you as someone whose emotional needs don’t matter.

Neglecting emotional needs in a relationship often leads to feeling left to fend for yourself, which can gradually destroy your sense of security and respect in the relationship.

7. They Are Too Critical

Do you feel like your partner is constantly criticizing you? Constructive criticism is necessary in a relationship for growth and improvement, but there is a big difference between supporting your progress and constantly looking for faults. When your partner becomes too focused on the small details and forgets your values, achievements, and effort, it could mean they are taking you for granted.

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You may feel like they are becoming too comfortable in their role, always finding something to complain about instead of appreciating everything you do. If your achievements are constantly overlooked and there is no recognition for your efforts, this is not a sign of wanting to improve the relationship but a lack of respect.

If you start wondering whether your partner still sees you as an equal in the relationship, it’s an important warning sign. Does your partner still respect and support you, or are you just someone they unload tasks onto, without any recognition of your worth? When criticism becomes constant and without constructive intent, it’s time to talk about how you’re feeling.

8. Making Major Decisions Without You

When it comes to major decisions that have a big impact, it’s always best to make them together as partners. The problem arises when your partner starts making big decisions without you. They might assume that you will always agree with their choices and that your opinion doesn’t matter because “you’ve been together so long.” This is not just a matter of decision-making; it’s also about respecting your emotional needs and desires.

When this happens, you might feel excluded and overlooked, as if you’re just an observer in your own relationship. Of course, every relationship is different, but when your partner starts making decisions without you, it could be a serious sign that they are taking you for granted. And this is something you should notice before it impacts your emotions and the quality of the relationship.

9. Partner Stopped Making Small Gestures

When your partner stops paying attention, it could mean they’re taking you for granted. These actions often show up in small ways – forgetting anniversaries, not seeking opportunities to spend time together, or neglecting your needs. When one person is putting more effort into the relationship than the other, it can create a feeling of being neglected, as there is no longer any expression of affection or affirmation.

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When your partner doesn’t respect you with small but meaningful gestures, it’s not just a minor mistake – it shows a lack of gratitude. This can start with your partner no longer making an effort to show you they care, which can lead to feelings of emotional emptiness.

The absence of these little attentions can mean that the relationship has started to be taken for granted, which can gradually create distance between the two of you.

10. The Partner Avoids Intimacy

Avoiding romance and intimacy can be one of the clearest signs that your partner is taking you for granted. If your partner doesn’t respond to your emotional needs or even ignores your desire for closeness, it’s a definite red flag.

You might find yourself in a situation where you have to ask for basic attention or affection. This isn’t just painful—it could also indicate that your partner assumes you’ll always be there, regardless of their behavior. If love and affection from them become rare, it’s time to question how they perceive your importance in the relationship.

The feeling of constantly having to remind them of your needs can leave you drained. If, despite conversations, your partner still shows no willingness to change, it’s a clear signal that the relationship is no longer based on equality and respect.

11. The Partner Uses Insults

Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship. It ensures that both partners feel safe, valued, and accepted. If your partner insults you—whether through harsh words, sarcastic remarks, or constant criticism—it’s a serious sign of a lack of respect. This behavior may indicate that they are taking you for granted.

Disrespectful comments often mask deeper issues within the relationship. Perhaps your partner assumes you’ll always be there, regardless of how they treat you, or they’ve grown too comfortable to make an effort to show respect. Nonetheless, you deserve to be in a relationship where your opinions, feelings, and dignity are appreciated.

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