Simple Ways to Overcome Autumn Blues

Simple Ways to Overcome Autumn Blues and Boost Your Mood

Are you struggling with autumn melancholy? Do you miss those warm and long summer days when you were recharged by the energy of the sunโ€™s rays? Now that autumn is gently knocking on the door, you can feel the first changes in the air โ€“ the days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping, and it feels like nature is slowly preparing for winterโ€™s slumber. And before you know it, the Christmas holidays will be here. But even though autumn is full of beauty and inspiration, many of us feel that familiar autumn melancholy during this time. Hereโ€™s the good news: there are ways to overcome autumn blues and improve your mood with just a few simple tricks.

What is Autumn Blues?

Autumn blues, or seasonal melancholy, is a feeling of sadness, fatigue, and decreased energy that many people experience during the transition from summer to autumn. We often feel it as a lanxiety, or even mild depression. It’s not just in our heads, but a natural response of the body to environmental changes.

Along with the feelings associated with autumn blues, you may also notice a drop in motivation, an increased craving for food (especially carbs), and a desire for more sleep. While autumn is a time that brings many beautiful moments, from the colorful palette of nature to the cozy, cooler days, autumn blues often creeps in quietly and unexpectedly takes over.

Uncovering the Causes of Autumn Blues

The main culprits for autumn blues are reduced exposure to daylight and changes in biological rhythms. Less sunlight means lower production of serotonin, the hormone responsible for good mood. At the same time, thereโ€™s an increase in melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, which is why we often feel tired, low in energy, and crave more rest during this time.

When temperatures drop and nature prepares for winter, a lack of activity and social isolation can also contribute to worsening mood. To successfully overcome autumn blues, itโ€™s important to recognize these factors and find ways to manage their effects.

When temperatures drop and nature prepares for winter, a lack of activity and social isolation can also contribute to worsening mood. To successfully overcome autumn blues, itโ€™s important to recognize these factors and find ways to manage their effects.

10 Tricks to Effectively Overcome Autumn Blues

1. Start Your Day with a Morning Walk

Do you find yourself postponing getting up in the morning because the days have become darker and colder? I think this happens to all of us. But hereโ€™s a simple and effective way to overcome autumn blues โ€“ include a morning walk in your daily routine.

Of course, if time allows, go for a short 5-minute walk. Fresh air and movement will instantly boost your energy levels, and when the sun occasionally peeks out from behind the clouds, it helps regulate your internal biological clock.

Research has shown that even a short walk improves brain function by increasing oxygen supply, which helps clear your mind and boost cognitive abilities.

2. Find Joy in Helping Others

I think we all know that pleasant feeling when we give a gift or help someone in need. Itโ€™s no coincidence. Helping others isnโ€™t just noble, itโ€™s also a great way to overcome autumn blues and manage stress.

One study found that people who are generous and help those in need experience less stress than those who avoid offering assistance.

When you help others, whether through volunteering, donations, or simply small acts of kindness, your body releases endorphins โ€“ the hormones of happiness. These endorphins not only improve your mood but also contribute to better health and well-being.

Donโ€™t get me wrong, helping others doesnโ€™t have to involve money or grand gestures. Simple things like a kind compliment, helping an elderly neighbor rake leaves, or volunteering in your local community can have the same positive impact on you.

3. Get Yourself a New Alarm Clock

To better overcome autumn blues, consider getting a new alarm clock that will make your mornings brighter. Why not invest in an alarm clock that mimics a sunrise? These special clocks are designed to gradually brighten your bedroom with natural light, helping you wake up gently.

Sunrise simulation alarms cause your body temperature to gradually rise, allowing your body to wake up naturally. This slow increase in cortisol, which is typically known as the stress hormone, is actually beneficial in the morning.

It helps you wake up more fully and prepare for the day ahead. You can also choose a sound alarm that you like, whether itโ€™s natural sounds or your favorite radio station, further customizing your morning wake-up to your preferences.

With this simple change, you may find that your mornings are less stressful and more enjoyable. By starting your day in a more natural and peaceful way, youโ€™ll be better able to overcome autumn blues and face the challenges that autumn brings.

4. Incorporate Mood-Boosting Foods

Autumn is the time to start incorporating foods rich in vitamin D, such as oily fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products. Vitamin D is essential for well-being, as it helps regulate serotonin levels in the brain, which improves our mood.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are also known for their benefits to mental health.
Do you feel that autumn days quickly tire and affect you? It might be time to consider changing your diet to improve your well-being. With simple changes to what you eat, you can significantly impact your mood and energy levels, making it easier to overcome autumn blues.

Donโ€™t forget lean sources of protein like chicken, turkey, and legumes, and include berries and dark chocolate, which are full of antioxidants and can boost your endorphin levels. Adjust your diet, and youโ€™ll notice that overcoming autumn blues with the right food becomes much easier.

5. Limit Screen Time

Autumn is known for its gloomy weather โ€“ fog, wind, rain โ€“ so itโ€™s clear that we spend more time indoors. This quickly leads to sitting in front of a computer, then the TV, then grabbing a tablet, and eventually checking your phone.

If you want to overcome autumn blues, itโ€™s important to reduce your screen time and find more fulfilling ways to spend your time. This could mean socializing with friends, taking a walk in nature, reading a book, creating home decorations, doing Pilates or yoga, carving pumpkins, or cooking pumpkin soup.

Connect with the real world, dedicate time to yourself, your passions, and hobbies, explore new interests, and expand your knowledge. You’ll boost your mood much more effectively than spending hours glued to a screen.

6. Wake Up with Cold Water

Showering with cold water? In the cold months? It sounds intimidating, I know. But let me tell you, those who enjoy alternating showers โ€“ switching between warm and cold water โ€“ report feeling more energized, better overall, and even less susceptible to illness.

They are also less sensitive to the cold, which is quite common during the autumn months. Scientifically, itโ€™s been proven that cold water activates the sympathetic nervous system and releases stress hormones, including cortisol, which wakes you up and stimulates circulation.

Additionally, alternating showers can help combat dry skin, which is often caused by hot showers during colder months. If you’re looking for an effective way to overcome autumn blues, try alternating between warm and cold water.

7. Use a SAD Lamp

As we know, autumn and winter bring longer shadows and a lack of daylight, often resulting in mood swings. One solution to overcome autumn blues is using a light therapy lamp, known as a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamp.

These special lamps emit light similar to daylight, which can trick your body into reducing melatonin โ€“ the sleep hormone โ€“ and increasing serotonin, which boosts your mood.

Light therapy is simple yet extremely effective. Regular use of SAD lamps, especially in the morning, helps simulate sunlight, which you may miss during the shorter days. This light not only wakes you up but also improves your mood and reduces fatigue.
For best results, use it in the morning, as using it later in the day may disrupt your natural sleep rhythm. Try it and see if this small step helps you overcome autumn blues.

8. Indulge Your Body and Soul

Each season has its own charm, and autumn is no exception. Even though the days are shorter, darker, and less appealing, take time for yourself and truly pamper yourself. Treat yourself to a sauna session, the floating therapy, long baths, massages, or a visit to the hairdresser.

We all need a bit of pampering in our lives, as it can drastically improve our mood and is an effective way to overcome autumn blues. Autumn and winter offer the perfect opportunity to slow down and focus on your physical and mental well-being.

9. Capture the Moments of Autumn

Many people view cold days from a dark perspective, but not everything is black and white. Autumn has its own charmโ€”just look at the colorful tree canopies. For those with a fireplace, you know how comforting that warmth and smell can be. That feeling when you enjoy a hot cup of cocoa or tea, and how cozy a soft blanket feels when you wrap yourself in it.

Take the time to focus on the little things that bring you joy during this season. Whether it’s sipping a warm tea at the end of the day, indulging in seasonal treats like mulled wine, onion tarts, or pumpkin pies, or simply taking a walk through the woods, these small moments can be truly special.

Write down the things that bring you happiness in autumn, and create a list of small rituals to check off each year. If you’re short on ideas, I’ve prepared some self-care activities for autumnโ€”check them out here!

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