how to remove bad karma

13 Strategies How To Remove Bad Karma From Your Life

Have you ever wondered why bad things keep happening to you no matter how hard you try? Maybe you blame bad karma for your troubles. Karma, an ancient concept stemming from Indian philosophies, suggests that our past actions influence our present and future destiny. If you believe in the power of karma, you understand the importance of removing bad karma from your life to achieve a happier future. In this post, we’ll explore effective methods how to remove bad karma. Read on to discover how you can change your life for the better!

What is Karma?

Karma is a term we often hear but perhaps do not fully understand. Many people think that karma is some sort of inevitable punishment or reward for an individual’s actions. In reality, the concept of karma is deeper and more complex. It is an esoteric concept that refers to the causes and effects of our actions, whether we were aware of them or not.

Karma actually stands for the law of cause and effect that affects us all. Every thought, word and action we perform creates a certain energy that will manifest in our lives in the future. This means that we are responsible for our karma, as we decide how we will react in different situations. Rather than rewarding or punishing us, karma acts like a universal law, similar to Newton’s law, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

13 Strategies How To Remove Bad Karma From Your Life

Difference Between Good and Bad Karma

Good karma usually refers to the positive consequences of our good deeds. This can mean attracting happiness, success, and prosperity into our lives. On the other hand, bad karma is associated with the negative consequences of our harmful or selfish actions. This can bring suffering, difficulties, and obstacles into our lives.

In the book “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse, the author explores the complexity of the difference between good and bad karma through the life journey of the main character. Positive karma is manifested through Siddhartha’s constant quest for truth and inner peace. At the beginning of the story, Siddhartha feels that material wealth and comfort do not bring lasting happiness, so he decides to leave his home and embark on a journey of discovery. Through his experiences and learning from various teachers, Siddhartha gradually develops a deeper understanding of himself and the world, finding inner peace.

On the other hand, bad karma is reflected in Siddhartha’s moments when he succumbs to temptations and deviates from his inner calling. For example, when he joins an ascetic life and devotes himself entirely to spiritual development, he begins to feel inner emptiness and dissatisfaction. When faced with conflicts and challenges on his path, he sometimes responds with anger, alienation, or despair, which has negative consequences for his life.

However, through his experiences, Siddhartha realizes that both positive and negative karma are part of the cycle of life. Taking responsibility for his actions and acknowledging his own mistakes are crucial steps towards liberation from negative karma and achieving inner peace.

How to Recognize Bad Karma in Your Life

Signs of bad karma

Negative karma is created by negative thoughts, actions, intentions, and emotions. As Wikipedia states: ”Actions we perform today determine our future, actions we have done in the past determine our present.” Let’s look at the most common signs that you have accumulated bad karma:

Constant misfortune and failures

Have you ever wondered why it seems like you are constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time? Constant misfortune, such as loss of job, relationship problems, or accidents, can be a sign of negative karma. Hindus say: “Karma doesn’t judge, karma arranges,” meaning that everything we do comes back to us.

Toxic relationships

Do you find yourself in relationships full of conflicts, distrust, or betrayal? It might be a karmic imbalance. If you have acted unfairly or deceived in the past, you may now face similar experiences. Buddhist philosophy teaches that bad karma in relationships can stem from past life experiences or current negative actions.

Chronic health issues

Constant health problems without an obvious cause can be a reflection of bad karma. For example, if you neglected your health or harmed others in the past, you may now face chronic pain or illness. In traditional Chinese medicine, health is closely linked to the balance of energy, which can be disturbed by negative karma.

Financial difficulties

Do you feel like you can never get through financial troubles, no matter how hard you try? It may be due to past negative actions related to money. A saying from Taoist philosophy goes: “Karma is not a bank where money decides the balance,” emphasizing that financial stability also depends on moral and ethical actions.

Feeling of stagnation

Do you feel stuck and unable to progress in life? A sense of stagnation or unfulfillment may be a sign of negative karma. If you neglected your goals or caused harm to others in the past, you may now feel stuck.

Recurring betrayal

Have you experienced betrayal or deception multiple times? It could be a result of negative karma. If you have deceived or exploited others in the past, you may now find yourself in similar situations. The old saying goes: “You reap what you sow,” meaning that everything we do comes back to us eventually.

Feeling of isolation

Do you feel lonely or isolated, no matter how hard you try to build relationships? This may be a sign of negative karma. If you excluded or rejected others in the past, you may now feel excluded yourself. A Hindu saying goes: “Everything comes back, like an echo in the mountains,” emphasizing that our actions shape our experiences.

Hindered personal development

Challenges in personal growth or spiritual development may be a sign of negative karma. If you rejected opportunities for growth or hindered others’ growth in the past, you may now face similar obstacles.

Frequent failures

Do your efforts always end in failure, no matter how hard you try? It may be a sign of negative karma. If you sabotaged your own or others’ efforts in the past, you may now face constant failures.

Recurring accidents

Are you often involved in accidents or unexpected mishaps? This could be a manifestation of negative karma. If you took risks or neglected others’ safety in the past, you may now face accidents.

Long-lasting negative emotions

Are you often overwhelmed by negative emotions such as guilt, shame, or resentment? This may indicate unresolved karmic issues. If you constantly feel guilty for past actions or struggle with forgiveness, it may hinder your karmic growth.

Family conflicts

Do you have tense relationships with parents, siblings, or other family members? This could be a result of negative karma. If you caused conflicts or severed family ties in the past, you may now face similar problems. An old proverb says:

Spiritual disconnect

Do you feel disconnected from spiritual practices or lack alignment with your spiritual path? This could be a sign of negative karma. If you rejected spiritual practice or neglected your inner growth in the past, you may now feel lost. A Buddhist saying goes: “The greatest journey begins with a single step,” meaning that we can start to correct our karma by simply desiring change.

How to Get Rid of Bad Karma in Life Once and for All

Are you interested in getting rid of bad karma and starting a new chapter in your life? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of us wonder how to improve our karma and attract positive experiences. Here are 13 methods that will help you on this journey.

1. Take responsibility for your actions

It is necessary to acknowledge that we are the architects of our own happiness. When we admit our mistakes, we feel a shift in energy. Taking responsibility for your actions isn’t easy, as the ego tends to resist it, preferring to blame others persistently. Look at where you’ve gone wrong and how you can act better next time.
Taking responsibility means facing the truth about your actions, no matter how painful it may be. If you’ve hurt someone, apologize and try to make amends. This will not only improve your karma but also strengthen your relationships with others. Establishing honesty and integrity in your life will bring about positive changes.

2. Practice forgiveness

Nothing will free you from bad karma more than genuine forgiveness. Let go of resentment, anger, sadness, frustrations… which attract negative experiences into your life. Most importantly, forgive yourself.
Forgiveness is a process that takes time and effort. You may find it difficult to forgive those who have wronged you, but it’s necessary for your mental and emotional well-being. When you forgive, you release the negative energy that binds you to past pains. This allows you to move forward and create space for love and compassion.

3. Give without expectations

Have you ever helped someone without expecting anything in return? Generosity and kindness attract positive energy into your life. A saying from Hinduism states: “Giving is the highest form of service.”
Helping others without expectations brings a sense of fulfillment and inner peace. This can include simple acts like assisting an elderly neighbor or volunteering in the local community. When you give from the heart, you not only improve karma but also spread positive energy around you, bringing joy.

4. Meditate and connect with your inner self

Meditation is a powerful tool for clearing karma. Regular meditation practice helps you find inner peace and clarity. Try to dedicate a few minutes to meditation every day. It’s not necessary to meditate for 30 minutes; try without paying attention to time. Focus on your spirit, let your thoughts flow, observe them, oxygenate your brain, and breathe deeply.

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Meditation allows you to focus on your inner feelings and thoughts, helping you recognize and change negative patterns. For example, meditating on forgiveness can release old resentments and make room for love and compassion.

5. Express gratitude

Gratitude is a wonderful way to redirect your energy. When you’re grateful for what you have, instead of focusing on what’s lacking, you attract positive energy. Try writing down three things you’re grateful for every day. A saying goes: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”
Expressing gratitude helps you recognize and appreciate the good in your life. When you focus on positive aspects like your friends, family, or simple joys, you create more positive energy. This helps you attract more good experiences and improve your karma.

6. Embrace your karma

One of the most important steps to removing bad karma is accepting and embracing your past, including old pains. Although we often hear that time heals all wounds, in reality, time often just pushes the pain deeper into our subconscious. To truly free ourselves from this pain, we must be willing to confront it and consciously clear it.

Have you ever realized how strongly past pain can hold you in its grip? You may have experienced betrayal, loss, or disappointment that still haunts you. Acknowledging these feelings is the first step to healing. Allow yourself to feel the pain, cry, and process it. Crying is a natural and healthy way to release emotional tension. As an old proverb says: “Tears are words the heart can’t express.”

Embracing your karma also means recognizing patterns you may be repeating due to unresolved pain. For example, if you’ve experienced betrayal in the past, you may find yourself in relationships where you always expect betrayal. Consciously choosing different experiences involves recognizing these patterns and consciously breaking them. You can choose trust where you once doubted, or love where you once felt fear.

Karma Quotes

7. Practice kindness

Are you willing to smile at a stranger? Small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Kindness towards others not only improves your karma but also brings joy into your life. Try simple actions like a smile, a compliment, or assistance. Next time you admire a woman’s beautiful dress on the street, approach her and give her a compliment.
This energy will return to you in the form of good experiences and relationships. Practicing kindness is a powerful way to create better karma and a happier life.

8. Seek balance in life

Balance is crucial for good karma. Ensure you have a balanced work, leisure, physical activity, and relaxation in your life.
Balancing different aspects of your life helps you maintain inner peace and harmony. For example, if you devote all your time to work and neglect your personal life, it can lead to stress and negative karma. Find time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. This will help you maintain positive energy and improve your karma.

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9. Learn from your mistakes

Every mistake is an opportunity for learning. Instead of condemning yourself for mistakes, try to understand what you have learned from them. Mistakes shape us and help us grow.

When you learn from your mistakes, you begin to change negative behavior patterns that can contribute to bad karma. For example, if you made a mistake in a relationship in the past – perhaps you were too possessive or failed to express your feelings – ask yourself what you can learn from that experience. How can you act differently in the future? Perhaps you can learn better communication, setting boundaries, or greater empathy towards others.

By recognizing and understanding your mistakes, you become more aware of your actions and their consequences. This allows you to make more thoughtful decisions and create positive karma.

10. Be patient

Changing karma doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience and persistence. Believe in the process and don’t give up, even if results don’t show immediately. As the saying goes, “Patience is power.”

Patience allows you to focus on long-term goals rather than current challenges. As you work on improving your karma, be patient with yourself and others. Understand that spiritual growth is a process that takes time. With perseverance and patience, you will achieve positive changes in your life.

11. Perform spiritual cleansing

Take a moment for spiritual cleansing every evening before bedtime. This is an opportunity to release the troubles and stress that have accumulated throughout the day and prepare your body and mind for peaceful sleep. Spiritual cleansing helps you release negative energy and prepare for a fresh start the next day.

How to perform the evening ritual

Start by calming down in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing – take deep breaths through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will help calm your thoughts and connect with your inner energy.

Use mantras

Once you have calmed down, you can use mantras as they are excellent tools for focusing the mind and relaxing. Here are some mantras:

  • Om Mani Padme Hum (This is one of the most well-known Buddhist mantras, meaning “jewel in the lotus.” Repeating this mantra can help you release negative energy and attract compassion and love into your life.)
  • So Hum (This mantra is a Sanskrit phrase meaning “I am that” or “I am this.” Repeating this mantra helps you recognize your connection to the universe and accept your true nature.)
  • Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (This mantra means “peace, peace, peace.” Repeating this mantra can help calm the mind, body, and spirit and attract a sense of inner peace and tranquility.)
Spiritual ritual with affirmations

In addition to mantras, you can also use affirmations to strengthen positive energy. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to change your mindset and redirect energy. Here are some examples of affirmations for the evening ritual:
“I forgive myself for all the mistakes I made today.”
“I welcome love and compassion into my life.”
“I am grateful for all the good things in my life.”

12. Remove toxic people from your life

One of the most effective ways to eliminate bad karma is to rid yourself of the negative energy brought by toxic people. You may not even realize it, but a few “bad apples” around you can greatly affect your life.

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Toxic people are those who constantly burdens you with their problems, distract you from your goals, and often give you bad advice. These people can encourage your negative behavior and hold you back. You may feel drained, unhappy, or even angry around them for no apparent reason.

It’s time to cut ties with those who don’t bring anything good into your life. This doesn’t mean you have to be rude or hostile; simply start distancing yourself and limit contact. It’s important to surround yourself with harmony and positive people who support and encourage you to live a better life.

Replace toxic people with those who bring light and positive energy into your life. Find friends and family members who inspire you, encourage you, and are there for you in good and bad times. This way, you’ll create an environment that supports your growth and positive karma.

13. Write down your mistakes

One of the best methods for learning from your mistakes is to write them down. Writing about your mistakes in a journal or notebook allows you to better understand what happened and why. This helps you focus on what you’ve learned from the mistake and how you can improve in the future.
Every time you make a mistake, take the time to write it down. Describe what happened, why it happened, and how you felt at that moment. Then ask yourself what you could have done differently and what you’ve learned from it.

For example, if you missed an important meeting due to poor organization, write down why it happened. Perhaps you relied too much on external factors or didn’t plan your time properly. Once you’ve written this down, set a goal for how you can improve in the future, such as better organization or using reminders.


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