How To Tailor Relationships With Critical People

How To Tailor Relationships With Critical People

Research shows that approximately 13% of the population consists of critical people. Most of them are engaged in work within the business sector, interestingly enough. Critical people perceive the world through the belief that there is only black and white, or good and bad. In the following, we will focus on understanding such individuals and how, despite everything, you can establish and maintain a relationship with critical people.

Perhaps there has been a moment when wonderful news enlightened you, news that you had to share with certain individuals, but one of them reacted in a way that ruined the entire atmosphere. Similarly, you may not recall the last time you received a positive compliment from that person. Such relationships can be a significant challenge, primarily because here the individual’s self-esteem begins to suffer, as was the case with you. Like with any behavior, there is much more behind a critical person than you might think.

Understanding critical people

Understanding critical people requires a deeper insight into their internal dynamics. I believe it is important not to rush to quick accusations and judgments. After all, there is much more to the behavior exhibited by a critical person. Some individuals who consistently express criticism do not have ill intentions but have their own unique way of expressing opinions and assistance.

In everyday life, we encounter criticism in various ways. Everything doesn’t need to be negative, and not every person who expresses criticism is a critical individual. Expressing criticism sometimes serves as a constructive tool for improvement or learning from a different perspective. I believe we have all faced situations where we received criticism from a colleague, superior, or friend. This does not necessarily mean that these individuals are highly critical or negative.

With a highly critical person, you will quickly notice that, regardless of the conversation topic, you will receive a negative opinion or a feeling of rejection. There are many reasons why someone develops into a very sharp critic. Let’s look at the causes:

How To Tailor Relationships With Critical People

1. Constant Criticism

Individuals who have experienced constant criticism in their past, particularly during childhood, and faced demanding expectations may learn to express their feelings and concerns through criticism. This way, they maintain a sense of security despite internal uncertainties. How can a child who has been subjected to constant criticism, without praise and compliments, develop a different approach to others? It’s challenging.

Imagine a child growing up in an environment where parents were constantly critical. Regardless of the effort invested in school or other activities, the parents always focused on areas where the child could improve. Praises were rare, if ever present. In response, the child developed a defense mechanism; instead of expressing feelings, they began to shield themselves from potential criticism by becoming critical of others. In adulthood, this person tends to be constantly attentive to the potential shortcomings of others.

2. Low Self-Esteem

Individuals with low self-esteem sometimes defend against their feelings of inferiority by expressing criticism towards others. Consider this example: If our friend has faced criticism for her weight since childhood and has developed low self-esteem, she repeatedly compares herself to others and feels unworthy. To defend against her feelings of inferiority, she becomes critical of the appearance of other people, thus reducing her discomfort.

3. Lack of Empathy

Critical people may struggle to take on the perspective of another person or understand their point of view. We have all likely experienced receiving cold criticism when confiding in someone about our problems. It’s important to understand that the person may not always be critical; they might have been going through difficult moments themselves.

4. Excessive Self-Criticism

If an individual is overly self-critical, they will likely reflect this outwardly. If we have high expectations and demands on ourselves, we may, in turn, expect others around us to adhere to the same standards.

5. Protection Against Pain

As life repeatedly brings pain and challenges, a person may build a wall and become highly critical of others. Criticism then becomes a protective mechanism through which an individual tries to prevent potential hurt, rejection, and disappointment.

How to Build Relationships with Critical People

Understanding the origin of criticism

When dealing with critical people, it is crucial not to respond solely with ego, but to try to put ourselves in their shoes and understand the source of their criticism. They may have internal struggles they are grappling with. To understand the perspective of a critical person, consider asking questions such as:

  • How do you perceive this situation?
  • Do you feel comfortable discussing this? Why or why not?
  • What aspect of the situation poses the greatest challenge for you?
  • Is there anything positive you would like to highlight in this situation?
  • Are there past experiences influencing your viewpoint?
  • How can we work together to enhance understanding and collaboration?

Developing a healthy communication with a critical person requires patience and understanding. Be reasonable and, of course, express yourself when you feel uncomfortable around that person.

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Don’t take everything personally

It’s important to understand that the words of critical people often reflect their state, not necessarily the truth about you. Don’t let criticism impact your self-esteem and values. Maintain a separation between their words and your perception of yourself; this will help you preserve inner peace.

However, this doesn’t mean you should ignore constructive criticism or shut yourself off from valuable feedback. Instead, assess which criticism can encourage your growth and improvement of your potential.

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Understanding the message

People often judge: “Ah, this person is very critical, so I won’t listen to them.” But perhaps they are trying to offer valuable advice, and due to a lack of communication skills, it may sound quite negative. This leads to a significant misunderstanding. Never label such individuals as foolish, especially because they have their way of expressing and communicating.

Try to focus on the meaning of the message that the critic is trying to convey to you, not how they express it. For easier understanding, ask yourself: What are they trying to tell me? Why are they speaking like this? Could they just be wishing me well? Maybe they are speaking from their own experiences; ask the person about their experiences.

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Keep your cool

Let’s admit it; it’s a very unpleasant feeling when we receive criticism. For many, criticism is just fuel for igniting the flames of ego and emotional storms. Therefore, it’s crucial not to lose control of our emotions and remain calm and composed. Our reactions can be decisive for the further response of the critical person.

For example, if someone criticizes us at work, we can either quickly escalate into an argument and create an uncomfortable atmosphere or seek solutions and express our sincere opinions in a gentle, understanding, and empathetic manner. Imagine both scenarios; which one would you choose?

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Set boundaries

When dealing with critical people, it is crucial to know how to set clear boundaries. How close do we allow this person to intrude or criticize our lives? If someone is constantly intrusive with their criticisms, and if our reaction is calm and accepting, we can cause ourselves a lot of harm. Whether we make decisions based on this person or create uncertainty and discomfort within ourselves. Setting boundaries is entirely healthy in all relationships; it shows the way we want to be treated.

For example, if someone continually criticizes your life choices, your career, or your relationships, you can say something like: “I respect your opinion, but decisions about my life are my own. If I need advice, I will ask for it. Please stop criticizing me.”

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Seek constructive solutions

Most people tend to avoid critical people, often because they are perceived as brutally honest. However, regardless of how many people I’ve met, I’ve found that critical individuals are generally well-intentioned and sincere. Instead of getting into arguments and getting caught in negative cycles, think about how you can find solutions with such a person. You may discover that they have valuable insights that could contribute to your development. Collaborate with the person and try to find useful information for your benefit.

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Address discomfort within yourself and nurture your confidence

Accepting criticism is challenging for most people, but why? Perhaps it’s the ego. We often associate our success and worth with how others perceive us. Therefore, criticism can feel like an attack on our values, causing turmoil and a defensive response. Sometimes, when we receive criticism, we need to bite our tongues and think about the conversation further.

Consistently building self-confidence can help, as a strong and healthy self-esteem makes us more receptive to criticism and better equipped to resist negative influences from others. Be consistent in building your confidence, focus on your abilities and successes, embrace a growth mindset, appreciate yourself, and view yourself as a plant constantly growing and learning.

Ask questions

If the criticism is unclear, ask questions: “What exactly did you mean by that?” or perhaps express that you felt disrespected and ask if you are mistaken. Sometimes, we react too quickly and create an interpretation that may not have been intended. Why get involved in an unnecessary argument or escalate our level of anger?

Express yourself

Even though critical people may give the impression of being assertive or dominant, don’t be overly compliant and silent. If you have a different opinion or desire, express them. Listen to yourself and don’t hold back, even if you fear conflict. I am someone who, when sensing an extremely strong personality, often refrains from expressing my opinion because I feel it might lead to an argument, so I prefer to stay quiet. But is this the right approach? I have a desire to dedicate an article to this topic.

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Highlight the positive aspects

“Look at him, being negative and critical again.” In a relationship with a critical person, actively seek and emphasize the positive aspects of their behavior. This will help redirect attention away from negativity and non-listening. It will be easier for you to build on common ground.

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Express empathy

Express your empathy towards their feelings and experiences. Accepting and understanding their perspective can significantly reduce tension, paving the way for better understanding and collaboration. Listen to the person, and use soft and kind words; it will undoubtedly add bonus points to your relationship.


Relationships are complex and intricate; all individuals are unique in their characteristics. Therefore, it’s important not to label ourselves or others and accept each other as we are. After all, everyone is leading their own life story, and sometimes you may not know the struggles. Building relationships requires patience and openness to accepting differences. However, it can still bring rich rewards and create lasting connections with people. All the best until next time!

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