Why Don’t Affirmations Always Work? A Look Into Research

Affirmations – small yet powerful phrases designed to help us change our mindset, achieve goals, and feel better about ourselves. Lately, they have become a sensation and can be found in every corner of the internet. The recipe goes that if we repeat an affirmation several times, we will begin to believe it and become it. However, are they truly as miraculous as they seem at first glance?

That’s why today we’re going to delve into why affirmations don’t always work. Don’t get me wrong, affirmations themselves are not wrong or ineffective. On the contrary, when used correctly, they can bring remarkable benefits. However, there are certain situations and examples where they are entirely useless.

Why have affirmations become so popular?

In today’s world, more and more of us are facing challenges such as stress, doubts, and uncertainties. In such an environment, we are constantly exposed to negative influences, whether from our surroundings or our own inner monologue. It seems like we’ve become prisoners of a constant stream of negative thoughts, which affect our well-being.

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In such a context, affirmations have become like a bright light at the end of the tunnel. More and more people are realizing the power of positive thinking and its impact on life. Hence, when we open social media, we encounter a variety of offers for affirmations.

As studies show, affirmations help activate parts of the brain associated with self-reflection and reward. That’s why people use affirmations in various ways. For example, someone struggling with self-motivation can use affirmations like: “Every day, I am more motivated to achieve my goals.” Another example is boosting self-confidence, where an individual can use an affirmation like this: “I have everything I need to succeed” to strengthen their belief in themselves.

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When we use positive statements, we activate certain parts of our brains associated with feelings of happiness, confidence, drive, and motivation. Thus, we can imagine that affirmations change our brain pathways, making us more receptive to positive experiences and more resilient to negative environments. These brain pathways can also be interpreted as changes in our own beliefs. If we repeat the affirmation: “Every day, I am more successful,” we strengthen the BELIEF in that statement, so it gradually becomes ingrained in our belief system, leading us to actually believe in OURSELVES and act accordingly.

Why Don't Affirmations Always Work? A Look Into Research

What are the advantages of using affirmations correctly?

Although we’re addressing the challenges and pitfalls of using affirmations, it’s crucial to understand their potential benefits.

One advantage of affirmations is that they promote positive thinking and direct us towards finding the good things in life. By repeating affirmations such as “Every day, I am happier and more content,” we shift our focus away from negative thoughts and doubts.

Affirmations also boost motivation and perseverance in achieving goals. When we repeat affirmations emphasizing our persistence and strength, such as “My determination will lead me to success,” we can maintain our motivation even in tough times and overcome obstacles on the path to success.

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According to the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, using affirmations can help reduce stress and broaden the perspective on self-threat.

When we utter an affirmation, we deeply feel pleasant feelings of happiness within ourselves. We start to become more aware of the things that inhibit this feeling of happiness, prompting us to focus more on things that bring us joy.

Celebrities, podcasts, and motivational speakers often mention gratitude and its benefits. Positive affirmations precisely encourage us to focus on the little things in life for which we are grateful.

But in what cases do affirmations not possess miraculous power?

Finally, we’ve come to this point. Although affirmations can be a powerful tool, they can exacerbate the situation in certain circumstances. Research suggests that people with low self-esteem can fall prey to the negative effects of affirmations. Instead of lifting them up and encouraging positive thinking, affirmations can make them focus on all possible explanations, such as: Why would a certain statement or affirmation be untrue? This leads to an even greater sense of unworthiness or powerlessness.

We all carry an inner dialogue within us, but if we tell ourselves that we’re doing great at something when we don’t truly believe it, an internal critic will quickly challenge that statement, and thus, we won’t derive any positive benefit from that statement or affirmation.

Most athletes have their coaches who encourage, guide, and help them develop their potential. And these coaches don’t instill empty words and affirmations into their athletes in which they couldn’t believe. Instead, they instill encouragement that is evident from the achievements and improvements of the athletes they represent. While not everyone has a personal coach in their lives, we must be aware of the tools we use against ourselves. And by repeating empty affirmations, we only further harm our souls.

Dr. Julie Smith mentioned a study in her book that showed the mood of individuals with low self-esteem improved when they were told that it’s okay to have negative thoughts too. Because they no longer had to fight to convince themselves of something they didn’t believe in.

Don’t get me wrong, affirmations aren’t useless for people with low self-esteem, but caution must be exercised in their use. Instead of general affirmations that may seem impersonal and untrue, it’s better to start with specific statements that better reflect the individual’s personal qualities and goals.

Affirmations alone won’t solve the real problems and challenges we face daily. If we focus only on positive statements without addressing these issues, it can lead to denial of reality. Every problem needs its solution.

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