Quit These Bad Habits Immediately, They Are Ruining Your Life

Quit These Bad Habits Immediately, They Are Ruining Your Life

Giving up bad habits is not impossible, maybe just difficult. But for the expectation of changes in your life, or the longing for better well-being, higher motivation and productivity. Sometimes we have to look into our daily habits and what is the real impact on us. As the saying goes: “If you want to change, make change”.

First, look at your lifestyle, where you spend your energy, your time, and what you put into your body. In this way, you will find out whether you are also a victim of bad habits. Today I will not talk about habits such as smoking, alcohol, diet and the like. But I pay attention to other types of habits, which, in my opinion, also belong in the basket of bad habits

Your habits will determine your future

– Jack Canfield

Why do we develop bad habits in the first place?

Several factors play a role in the development of bad habits. One of these factors is related to the action of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a key role in reward and motivation. So when we perform a certain activity that brings us pleasure or satisfaction, dopamine is released in the brain.

You should know that dopamine does not understand which habits are healthy for us and which are not. Therefore, this connection in the brain becomes strong, which leads to the development of a habit or even an addiction. But dopamine is only part of the equation.

Common reasons why people develop bad habits are:

  • Pleasure and satisfaction (Habits such as eating unhealthy food, smoking, or abusing drugs bring immediate pleasure or satisfaction. Other activities such as excessive TV viewing, playing video games, and pornography also develop into unhealthy habits)
  • Conflict with stress (Negative feelings encourage the development of negative habits. Therefore, the individual resorts to certain activities in order to avoid stress and discomfort)
  • Environmental influences (The environment is also essential for the development of habits. Social pressures, social norms encourage the development of habits. If there is smoking in a person’s circle, there is a high probability that this person will also smoke, whether it is friends, family, classmates.)
  • Repetition (When we repeat an activity many times, a neural connection is established in the brain. In this way, bad habits can become unconscious patterns)

Earlier we talked about dopamine, which is part of this equation, there are also other parts of the equation, namely neurotransmitters such as:

  • Serotonin (which is related to mood, self-confidence and general well-being. Its level affects the establishment of certain habits. A lack of serotonin can contribute to an individual developing unhealthy eating habits or addiction.)
  • Noradrenaline (It is released in stressful situations or feelings of threat. It is associated with arousal, attention and motivation. Therefore, the individual resorts to certain activities that calm them down. )
  • GABA (Inhibits the activity of nerve cells in the brain. We associate it with a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Similar to norepinephrine, people resort to activities that calm them down)
  • Glutamate (Key in the formation of brain connections involved in behavior. Contributes to the automatization of a habit. Its exact influence on the development of bad habits is still being studied.)

How do we know which habit is bad for us?

Determining which habits are bad and which are not depends on the individual’s personal values, beliefs and goals. I always ask myself, what does this vice do for me in the long run? For example: if my habit was to drink coffee 4 times a day, I wonder how good it is for my health? Or if I watched TV every day instead of staring at my goals. The question is, how much does watching TV help me progress toward my goal?

Let’s be honest, everyone has their own unhealthy rituals that start with morning Instagram or reading the news, for example. Do you ever wonder how much time you spend on certain bad habits? I know, I know, most avoid this question or refuse to accept awareness. But awareness is the key to change. Although time is very valuable, it is also about our well-being and health in general. Take the long view, smoking may not show your teeth at a young age, but what about the long term?

You can use these guidelines for assessing habits:

  1. Effects on health (Habits that have a negative impact on health are usually defined as bad habits. Such as smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.)
  2. Impact on productivity (Habits that hinder productivity and achieving goals can be considered bad. This includes procrastination, avoiding responsibility, spending too much time watching TV or social media, lack of organization, and the like.)
  3. Impact on relationships (We are talking about dishonesty, negativity, lack of communication, respect for others)
  4. Values ​​(Rethink if you have habits that conflict with your values. Some are well-known: Theft, lies, manipulation)
  5. Negative impact on mental health (Habits that have a negative impact on our mental well-being, including comparing with others, self-pity, pleasing others…)

What bad habits are hindering you on your life path

Comfort zone

This bubble of security can sometimes be toxic. Constantly tickling in the comfort zone does not bring anything positive. Because this bubble will always distance you from your set goal and desired life. If you always sit in front of the television for days and at the end of the year, you can think that in 4 years your life will not change drastically.

That’s why it’s healthy to sometimes break out of the box and try something new. We all definitely need time to rest and relax to recharge our batteries, but don’t let it become an addiction. Interested in learning more about the comfort zone? Check here.

Addictions-among the main representatives of bad habits

Addiction can be defined as physical drugs such as: alcohol, smoking, drugs, fast food, sweets, etc. Psychological addictions that are becoming more and more common are, above all, addiction to social networks, playing computer games, constantly watching drama and negative news (online, radio, TV), pornography, series, etc.

Addictions on a psychological level also leave traces behind. One of these is wasting precious time, having low self-esteem, feeling bad, having problems in relationships, most people face a low level of creativity and finding their purpose… I advise you to pay attention to this topic, which I will definitely prepare more article in the future.

Being around people who don’t appreciate you

People play an important role in our lives. If you are surrounded by people who constantly doubt you, give you negative and bad feelings, do not believe in you and do not encourage you. This can greatly affect you and your well-being.

Red Flags: 14 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

Opinions of others & comparisons with others

This can be quite self-defeating. If you constantly devote your energy to pleasing others and paying attention to what they say and think, in this way you are destroying yourself and above all your well-being. Work on believing in yourself and trusting yourself. You will surely find yourself in a situation where you need another person’s opinion. But it shouldn’t always be that way.

Regarding comparing with others, and how this habit affects us, I wrote an article not long ago, which I will attach below. This habit can poison the relationship you have with yourself. So act fast and stop this habit. Take control and control your actions and words. Read more here:

Love Your Uniqueness, Stop Compare Yourself To Others

Addiction to materialism

It seems to me that it is becoming a bigger problem. It can lead to addiction and reckless spending of money. Money is a tool that makes our lives easier, if I may say so. Don’t get addicted. Ask yourself, how many times do you buy new things that you may not even need? And later left untouched in some room? Thoughtfulness didn’t cost you much.

Today’s marketing is extremely advanced, which I completely agree with. Sometimes it is difficult for customers to resist advertisements from influencers and others. Don’t be fooled by such things. I have to admit that I am completely different about this. I don’t put much emphasis on make-up, clothes, and appearance. But I put it on well-being, home, and learning. Where I also establish self-control and consideration.

Use of technology, early in the morning and late at night

I think this habit is inevitable with the majority. But definitely healthy if you put it aside. Try to disconnect from technology and focus on yourself and your loved ones. Establish self-care routines, and do something soothing for yourself before starting a new day. And just before you end your day and drift off into your dreams.

Obsessing over your mistakes

Are you constantly stressing yourself out and pointing out mistakes made in the past? Then it’s time to kick the habit. Accept these mistakes as lessons and not as a punishment to yourself. Life will challenge you again and again, and no matter what decision you make, it was for a reason. Even if it won’t be entirely worth it in the long run. Mistakes are our teachers.

Constant control over everything

In life, we have no influence on all things. Therefore, the habit of wanting to have everything under control is completely redundant. At most, it makes you despair and worry. Become at least a little bit spontaneous and surrender to the flow of life. + Don’t take everything strictly personally. The strict control of life often leads to disappointment.


Is it a bad habit? Yes, I also wrote an interesting article about this, which I will attach below. Procrastinating at the end causes tension and nervousness. Or if the task is done, it won’t be quite as great as it could be. Most of us avoid tasks because we find them challenging or downright boring.

How To Overcome Procrastination By Changing Your Mindset

Ignoring stress

Instead of avoiding and running away into your habit when stress hits, or you just have a habit of wanting to avoid stress. Face it instead, use strategies to ease such moments to strengthen your armor and become more immune to stressors. Express your emotions and don’t suppress them. Try my strategies for building stress immunity.

How To Develop Resistance To Stress And Maintain Your Health

According to Dr. Luana Marques: ”When we want to break an existing habit, the brain doesn’t like it.” You may think that you will not be able to change entrenched habits, but it is possible! I wish you all the best until next time. Did you like the article? Share it with others.

Quit These Bad Habits Immediately, They Are Ruining Your Life

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