How To Regain Balance When You're Hit By Burnout

How To Regain Balance When You’re Hit By Burnout

Long-term exposure to stress and excessive workload quickly leads to burnout. Burnout occurs gradually, so you may not notice the symptoms right away. That’s why you have to listen to your body and feelings because that’s the only way you can turn from this path. Stay with me because today I’m going to show you how to help yourself when you’re feeling burned out.

It is also essential to find the source of the stress. Sometimes we need to slow down our pace of life and turn to ourselves and our well-being. We all know that the modern way of life is fast and unstoppable in all areas. (Official, at home) You are probably familiar with the feeling that your surroundings are constantly demanding something from you, and then your expectations come in, which is why expectations quickly lead to a mental breakdown, as you exhaust all your energy reserves.

It is also known that the World Health Organization accepted burnout as a legitimate syndrome caused by stressful work. Most of the reasons point to work, but expectations also come from other environments. E.g.: If your job keeps you in the environment too much, then the environment requires you to be organized, and to prove yourself in the role of mother/father and similar cases.

How To Regain Balance When You're Hit By Burnout

It is not just work that increases the likelihood of burnout

Research says that there are certain risk factors, and these are high work stress, lack of control over work, poor support, the mismatch between expectations and actual tasks, and poor work-life balance.

It is also said to increase the chance of burnout, and certain human characteristics. For example, perfectionism, the tendency to constantly prove things, lack of self-esteem and confidence, and difficulty setting boundaries.

It is important to understand, as I have already mentioned, that burnout does not only occur in the work environment, but also in interpersonal relationships, education, caring for others, and family.

How to help yourself when you suffer from burnout?

Is the job right for you?

Maybe it’s time to ask yourself that question. You can always direct your path elsewhere, new opportunities are waiting for you. If your job gives you feelings of burnout and excessive stress, you can start making changes on the career side. Make a new plan, monitor and research the job market, and set off on a more relaxed path.

Ask others for help

Burnout tells you that it is time to shake some obligations and tasks off your shoulders. Ask others, loved ones, colleagues, or friends for help. Silence your bad conscience, and your ego, and take courage and do something useful for yourself. You must realize that you are not alone and that you can always ask for help. After all, we are the only beings who do not have infinite power and energy.

Being organized

Are there perhaps obligations that do not necessarily need to be fulfilled? Make a plan of priorities, of course, according to your capabilities. Put things off to the future that can wait. Keep your expectations realistic, don’t expect too much. I repeat this all the time, even when you are dealing with stress and anxiety.

Stand up for yourself

Be honest about your situation with your supervisor. Trust yourself and describe how you feel. If possible, they will take your side and relieve you. Do not be afraid at all, this way you can expect changes and relief in your mental health.

Use stress management techniques

First, find the sources of stress that are driving you into a corner. Then adopt techniques that can relieve your stress. Of course, not every technique will necessarily be the right one for you, so you should try several of them. We all face stressful periods, but everyone relieves themselves in their own way. So find your own ways, create a plan just for yourself.

A break

We all need a break in our pace of life. That’s why you must include it in your rhythm of life. Use the break for self-care, rest and energy. For example: If you have children, ask your grandparents to look after them for a day, while you take some time for yourself. Constant speed in your life only increases your feelings of burnout and overwhelm. It’s time to stop.

Sleep schedule

It is precisely because of stress and tension in life that sleep is usually at risk. Try to create a healthy sleep routine, before closing your eyes and relaxing your mind. This kind of mind control is very useful, I have noticed it myself. Even before I took control of my mind, I faced constant thoughts before going to bed and therefore fell asleep an hour or so later than I got to bed. You can also learn to calm your thoughts, the training itself can be meditation.

Try meditation

Meditation is known as a technique for calmness, mindfulness, and relaxation. Regardless of where you are, take a few minutes, close your eyes, and try to calm down physically as well as mentally. Meditation is not a medicine to cure burnout, but it is a technique with which you can calm down and move away from the loud environment for a short time. The feeling after it is also usually calm.

Say “No” when you feel that way

Setting boundaries in relationships and work is absolutely necessary. This is precisely where the problem arises for most people, because they don’t always say “NO”, even though they know they already have a lot of obligations, and they continue to accept new ones. Setting boundaries is perfectly healthy, this way you protect yourself in all areas.

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In today’s age, we spend a lot of time on devices. Silence notifications from all possible sites, social networks, etc. Set a time that you will spend without technology. Go out into nature, meditate, exercise, try breathing exercises, read a book, try a new dish, etc.

Constant exposure to the news, drama, and other people’s lives quickly leads to a lack of motivation and energy depletion. Dedicate your energy to something positive that will lift and improve your mood and well-being.

Get rid of the clutter

At Princeton University, a study found that distraction causes the focus to slip, as the cortex is overloaded with everything we see. So get your life in order, get rid of clutter. Eg: Cars, desks, workshops, handbags, phone – applications, etc. In this way, your brain will accept the surroundings much easier, more relaxed, and organized.

Give your attention to beautiful things

Try to be authentic when positive events happen to you throughout the day, such as a hug from a loved one, a call from a friend, the adventures of your children, a smile from a stranger, and the like. Such events increase dopamine and endorphin, which are feel-good hormones, and in this way, you reduce the stress hormone (cortisol).

If you are absent-minded and immersed in your worries at such moments, there will be no special effect. Appreciate the little things throughout the day.

Internal recovery

Not only has your body suffered the consequences but you are experiencing symptoms on a physical level. You also need to clean the interior. To do this, you can talk a lot with close people, share your feelings and events in your life, or keep a journal in which you write. You describe your feelings, views, opinions, desires, etc. This is how you clean your inner side.

Make a lifestyle change

Excessive exposure to stress quickly leads to unhealthy habits. I’m not even talking about the dietary movement here, they probably caused the consequences. Make a change in an area of ​​your life where you see yourself reaching for bad habits. Arrange your eating schedule, exclude unhealthy food, make healthy snacks and the like. If you change your lifestyle for the better, your well-being will also grow for the better.

Think about the future

Think about what causes you too much stress in your life, and what you can do to prevent burnout in the future. Don’t cling to things if they make you feel stressed, anxious, depressed, etc. Over time. Listen to yourself and take a step forward.

Make a change, set a new goal and plan, and aim to make it happen. You should not expect a different life and positive changes if you do not make any changes and cling to your old life. Therefore, you will have to take action and take risks, the only way the sun can shine around the corner.

Don’t expect to get rid of burnout overnight. To put your life on the line it will take some time to rebalance. Finally, I must add that you should not be ashamed to seek professional help, because there will be a person who is qualified in this field. And this will help you get through this period. It is important to maintain a balance between your private and work life and to act in time when it gets stuck.


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  1. This is a great post and relevant to me right now, as I’m considering whether my job is the right one for me. It’s given me a lot of food for thought. I think I’ll try to switch off for a while and see if inspiration takes charge!

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