Revealed How Toxic Cosmetic Products Threaten Our Health

Revealed How Toxic Cosmetic Products Threaten Our Health

In today’s time, it is impossible to avoid encountering cosmetic and care products. They reached their peak with the help of stars on social networks, commercials and businesses related to beauty. Many people turn a blind eye or refuse to accept the fact that we are surrounded by many toxic cosmetic products

Behind all this are great organizations and people who encourage the world to use these products. And they show what incredible effects the products leave on our appearance. We all know the purpose of cosmetic products to make women and girls feel beautiful. So where does this mentality come from?

Encountering toxic cosmetic products

I myself was a faithful user of cosmetic products years ago, I admit. But the reactions that appeared on my skin did not give me peace. I tried several types of different powders, but my skin kept signaling the alarm. More precisely, I got red rashes, I went to see a doctor, where I got the answer that it is most likely skin dermatitis. I was given prescribed creams, but it didn’t really help.

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I used make-up every day, specifically powder and eye cosmetics. I simply didn’t let my skin breathe. I was loading it up with chemicals and clogging my pores with dirt. Just to make yourself feel more beautiful? I would definitely have given you such an answer years ago.

Then I decided to take a break and let my skin recover. And you know what? The skin was 99% completely restored, there were no traces of acne and red rashes. All these years I avoided using cosmetic products and realized that I needed to boost my confidence rather than using masks.

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Now I perceive beauty completely differently, I have changed my mentality down to the last detail. And no commercial or social media star will convince me otherwise. I feel much better, my skin is much brighter and I haven’t had any skin irregularities since then. Certainly, other factors such as nutrition and hydration play a major role in the appearance of healthy skin, so don’t get me wrong.

Revealed How Toxic Cosmetic Products Threaten Our Health

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I want to tell you how frustrating it was to find products to cover the red rashes on my skin, which were very pronounced, and with every product I used, I also had a burning sensation. All this just to make her look prettier? Ladies, start appreciating your natural look because you are gorgeous.

A documentary that will open your eyes to toxic cosmetic products:

In 2019, the documentary Toxic Beauty was released, where the truth is revealed. A consolidated documentary of three years of studies in this field. Science shows that the cosmetic problem is bigger than the production of tobacco products. Which is quite troubling. We know that organizations will stand by their convictions because there is money in this game. That is why there are many claims that some chemicals are not harmful at all.

Example: In 1957, findings showed that asbestos, a known carcinogen, was found in Johnson & Johnson’s talc stock. It is important to note that the company paid for billion in damages. I recommend watching this documentary.

What should you pay attention to when buying cosmetic and care products?

The cosmetic industry exploits people’s self-doubt and people’s dissatisfaction with themselves, they are driven by money. Studies have proven for many years that the skin absorbs chemicals into the bloodstream. Let’s be aware that chemicals or toxic substances do not belong in our bloodstream, do you agree? We all want to live as long as possible and for our health to serve us as long as possible.

That’s why we have to consciously approach our body at a young age, and pay attention to what we put in and on it. Our body is like a car. We also have to maintain the car from the very beginning, so that it has as long a useful life as possible. Our body is the same, we should not take it for granted, even though we are young and do not feel discomfort. We will all get old one day.

Be aware of these chemicals in toxic cosmetic products:

1.4 Dioxane = Not listed among the ingredients on the product. However, all foaming products contain it. So shampoos and soaps.

Acrylates = Which can be found among the ingredients for artificial nails. Proven skin reactions, inhalation and eye and throat irritation.

Benzophenone = It is present in personal care products, lip balms and nail polishes, and UV protection products. This chemical has been linked to cancer, endocrine disruption and organ system toxicity.

Carbon black = Black powder found in mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. It is produced on the basis of carbon, which is coal tar. It is linked to cancer and has negative effects on organs.

Formaldehyde and preservative = Carcinogenic compounds

Butyl compounds are also used as preservatives in food as well as in care products. They cause endocrine disorders and toxicity to organ systems.

Ethanolamine compounds are present in many products including cosmetics, personal care products and cleaners. It causes liver tumors. The European Commission reports diethanolamine in cosmetics as carcinogenic.

Isopropyl acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and n-methyl-pyrrolidone = Chemicals cause reproductive harm. It is mainly contained in nail polish removers.

Talc = Poses a health risk due to asbestos contamination

Triclosan = Contains toothpaste, antibacterial soaps and body shampoos. They affect thyroid hormones, and research is also underway into the effect on the occurrence of skin cancer.

Lead= We know that it is a heavy metal for the body, all cosmetic products for the eyes contain it.

Mercury or Thimerosal = A component of skin lighteners, a heavy metal that also harms the body. It can affect the nervous system, cause kidney damage and harm the developing fetus of a pregnant woman.

Phthalates = Found in some nail and hair polishes, fragrances, many other cleaning and cosmetic products. They can disrupt the balance of hormones, especially those that interact with estrogen.

Parabens = Pay attention only to the ending parabens, they are present in make-up, moisturisers, hair products and shaving creams. There are no definitive links to breast cancer yet.

PFAS = Composed of carbon and fluorine atoms. The chemicals are also used in anti-stick cookware, infection-resistant surgical gowns and drapes, mobile phones, semiconductors, commercial aircraft and low-emission vehicles.

There are many more of these harmful chemical compounds. You can certainly be careful when choosing and buying cosmetic products. But is it really that important? I am convinced that absolutely all cosmetic and care products are made on the basis of chemicals. Only scented products contain perfumes that our body does not actually need.

You must have questions, but what should I use? Maybe avoid using beauty products that you really don’t need. Because you radiate natural beauty, focus on building self-confidence, which will lead you to healthy beliefs. Why should beauty be judged by kg of make-up and artificial substances on the body? Why don’t we change the world and instead accept ourselves as we are and see the beauty in our nature.

You can replace toxic hygiene products with natural products backed by many natural-based companies, or simply create your own shower gel or hand soap at home. Quite simply and you will know exactly all the ingredients,

Health problems related to the use of cosmetic and care products:

  • Cancer
  • Problems with fertility and birth defects of the child
  • Neurological problems
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Asthma
  • Thyroid problems
  • Learning difficulties
  • Weakened immunity
  • Kidney problems
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Skin inflammations and others.

Please don’t get me wrong, but as you know I’m just presenting my thoughts. You decide and dispose of your life yourself. But I advise you to also listen to your body and its reactions. If you are faced with impure skin, stop for a moment and think about the next step. Humans were not sent to this planet to hide our true faces and poison our bodies. There are already a huge number of other factors to which we are constantly exposed. Please leave your comments and share the article further. All the best until next time.

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  1. A wise woman once said “If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business.” – Gail Dines.
    Thanks for sharing these! x

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