How To Find The Ideal Balance Between The Digital World & Real Life

How To Find The Ideal Balance Between The Digital World & Real Life

Do you ever think to stop for a moment, put down your devices and focus on that direct touch of the wind, the smell of freshly cut grass or the sparkle in the eyes of the person you are talking to? This lets us know that withdrawing from the digital world is actually a step closer to true connection with ourselves, nature and those we love. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the world moving and changing, but I have a question: Is that why we are losing ourselves? Your purpose? Let’s delve together into the importance of disconnection, explore the positive impacts of withdrawing from the digital sphere, and discover simple ways we can coexist with both worlds in a more balanced way. Let’s delve into the importance of balance between the digital world & real life

I am more and more aware that the more we delve into virtual reality, the more we distance ourselves from what surrounds us in the real world, in other words, we distance ourselves from our essence. I have some research to share with you.

Where does addiction to the digital world lead?

In 2013, the first hospital facility for the treatment of Internet addiction was opened in the United States. At the other end of the world, namely in China, they opened 300 camps for teenagers, where they introduced strict digital detoxification.

A study was conducted in the United Kingdom, where as many as 66% of phone owners reported that they suffer from ” Nomophobia” or the fear of losing their phone. Around 46% of Americans report that they could not live without smartphones. Check here, you’ll find amazing research that will leave you speechless.

How To Find The Ideal Balance Between The Digital World & Real Life

Caught in a spiral of constantly checking news, liking photos, and relentlessly switching between apps can quickly lead to dissatisfaction. Given moments become completely unimportant and we easily start to despise them. And where are those unexpected adventures if we don’t leave the screen? Where is our inner satisfaction? Healthy relationships? Care for the mind? Developing potential? Career advancement?

I was at this point myself when the realization hit me. I’ve lost a lot of time, so I’m working hard on a healthy balance. I’m not saying you have to give up technology for a certain week but find a healthy balance. When I started this project, it brought me a lot of benefits, which I will share with you soon. Put your well-being, health, relationships and goals first, not the virtual world.

The digital world – a threat to our health?

We live in an age of digital wonder where we can access incredible information and connect with people all over the world with just a few clicks. But all this also has its dark side, which is full of weaknesses, but we may not be ready to admit them.

Let’s see what disadvantages technology brings:

  • Social isolation (Especially young people, they have lost themselves in a fantasy virtual world, some live their lives on platforms and video games)
  • Some research explains the increased stress of regular users of smart technology.
  • Low self-esteem, which includes comparing yourself to people online, more about this here. As many as 52% of students said that because of social platforms they feel less confident about their appearance and the interests of their lives.
  • A study showed a significant increase in depression, anxiety, impulsive behavior and insomnia.
  • Decreased concentration (Fast notifications and exchange of information online lead to overstimulation, which leads to a decrease in long-term focus and deep thinking.)
  • Data privacy and security (Using digital services can put our privacy and security at risk, as personal information can be misused or stolen.)
  • Addiction (Excessive use of digital devices can lead to addiction, which can affect daily functioning and quality of life. Look here.)
  • Physical inactivity

The benefits of a balance between the digital world & real world

Although it is good to be informed, let’s admit that sometimes we get lost in the chaos of news and information that we don’t even need. Whenever you surf the web, do you research and watch something useful for yourself? How much time do you spend on videos, pictures and information that do not give you anything useful? This is what raised the question in me: Is my time worth it?

When we silence notifications for a few minutes and don’t see the flashing lights of the screen, we allow our minds to really relax. As a short break for the nerve cells, so take your brain on a short vacation several times.

When I took control over myself and the use of social networks, as a result, I dedicated my time to things that really count and my well-being and inner satisfaction increased. Therefore, remember that you draw your own life, as well as dispose of your time. Let’s look at the benefits of a balance between the two worlds:

  • Better connected with loved ones (Getting away from technology allows us to pay attention to our relationships, spend quality time with them and think more about improving important relationships in real life)
  • Discovering the real world (Instead of limiting ourselves and anchoring ourselves in our comfort zone, withdrawing from the digital world allows us to discover new hobbies, change our routine, expand our horizons, get to know ourselves, experience new experiences, admire the beauty of nature, etc.)
  • Better physical and mental health (Moving away from the virtual world means more time for movement, self-care, care for mental and mental health, greater awareness of one’s own needs and understanding of one’s emotional eddies)
  • The feeling of burden, stress and anxiety decreases, in this way we limit and protect ourselves from the constant flow of information.
  • Good alertness for creativity: Time away from the digital world allows us to devote ourselves to creative activities such as drawing, writing, making music, baking pastries, creating products and more.
  • The retreat allows us to re-establish contact with ourselves, observe our needs, our behaviors, traumas, and desires, and investigate the reasons for our behaviors and thoughts. Let’s delve into actual personal growth and development. Which in life leads us to a better quality of life.

Find a balance between the digital world and your real life

Do you know how to survive in nature?

Well, I don’t mean it quite literally, although for me a vacation in nature like camping without a phone is the best thing. But let’s get back to the point, although I mentioned that it is necessary to find a healthy balance, maybe give yourself a new challenge, and for one day let yourself live without the use of technology. To avoid cheating, hide your devices and TV remotes and fill your day with other activities.

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Practice self-control and discipline

Set time limits for using digital devices. You can determine which part of the day you will be without a phone or computer for a certain time. Examine your daily routine and check how much time you spend on social networks, television, and train discipline. And start managing your time better.

Digital breaks

Related to the point above, when you take a break from the digital world, simply put your phone on silent and out of your sight. You can do this between meals, before going to bed, in the morning when you wake up, during outdoor activities, before going to the bathroom or similar.

Create zones: No phone

Designate rooms or locations where you will not use your phone. For example, in the dining room, during family games or meetings, while playing with the child, in the workshop, on a walk, having coffee with a friend, and the like.

Edit notifications

We know that applications and platforms are constantly sending notifications about news, today’s smartphones and devices have the ability to limit notifications. Maybe allow notifications only to apps that are absolutely necessary.

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Reorganize social networks

Examine who you follow and why you follow them. Rearrange your social networks and create a cozy corner where you will spend your time not on comparison but on useful content. Although I observe more and more young people that they love watching funny videos where the content does not bring benefits and smart information.

Plan a screen-free activity

Be aware that there are incredible adventures waiting for you outside. Plan activities, go on a trip, go for a walk, read a book on the terrace, exercise, go see a museum, create a night out with friends, go for ice cream, etc. Create a life full of memories and excitement.

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Practice presence

The next time you have lunch with friends, take your phone off the table and devote 100% to socializing, when you are in nature, observe your surroundings with all your senses, devote yourself to your pet, play with your children and just watch them, if you have them of course. Even when you’re on the road, focus on the road and not on the news on the radio, play some relaxing music and look around you, but of course pay attention to traffic!

When we draw a line under all these considerations, the most important realization seems to be that we have power over how we deal with the digital world. As with almost everything in life, it’s about finding a balance. Using digital devices brings with it many wonderful opportunities to connect, learn and have fun. But sometimes we also have to pay attention to the real world, the one we can see, smell, feel.

Perhaps the real key to finding balance is taking time out from the digital hustle and bustle every once in a while. When we step away from our screens, we allow our thoughts to calm down and our senses to awaken. It is an opportunity to appreciate more the moments in the company of those we love, to focus on what really makes us happy, and to listen more to ourselves.

Now I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How do you find balance and what are your methods? Share your wisdom. And do not forget to share this article with your friends, maybe here is the key to balance that others are also looking for. All the best until next time.


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