Techniques For Time Management And Better Planning Of The Day

Techniques For Time Management And Better Planning Of The Day

Time management is key to achieving productivity, maintaining work-life balance, and achieving personal goals. Many people wonder how to accomplish more without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. After all, we all only have 24 hours, right? But why do some people achieve more during this time? We’re going to unravel that today. It is essential to how we spend our minutes, hours, and days. If our day revolves around social networks, television, and other activities that do not benefit us, we cannot expect to reach heights. There is a high probability that our obligations will accumulate, and tension and stress will increase as a result.

β€œYou get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires. You decide. And if you don’t decide, others will decide for you.”

Tony Morgan

The art of efficient time management is a skill that anyone can master and improve, as it does not require professional knowledge, but only the desire to progress and achieve goals. It is important to understand that every moment counts and how we use it can make the difference between success and failure, between satisfaction and stress, and between achievement and unfulfilled expectations. In order to stay focused on my passion and work, I always say to myself: Devote your focus and time to activities that will benefit you even in 3 years. All the unnecessary social media surfing will do me no good.

It is necessary to understand that successful people do not inherit productivity but practice the skills needed to do more in less time and to do things with quality.

How Time Management Improves All Aspects of Life

The benefits are more than enough, don’t you agree? Realize that your time is valuable and is by no means waiting for you. So be careful how you use it and treat it responsibly. Time management will not only bring us closer to success, but it will also teach us to appreciate every moment we are given in this wonderful journey called life.

Try time management techniques

Analyze your time

Start by evaluating how you use your 24 hours. Create a folder that represents exactly how much time you devote to a particular activity, i.e. Work, driving, housework, social media, meal preparation, hobbies, and the like. Based on this result, you can take action. Take a few minutes on Sunday and plan the week ahead.

Use a digital or paper calendar or planner to record reminders and all important things and organize your time in advance.

The most productive part of the day

Since we are all different in which part of the day we are more productive, adapt it to yourself. If you’re more of a morning person and you’re bursting with energy, then it’s clear which part of the day you make the most of. In the evening, relax and prepare for rest.

Self-reflection and goal-setting

The key is to look within yourself and figure out what you want to achieve. Set clear and realistic goals for your personal and professional life. When you have clearly defined goals, you know where to focus most of your time and energy.

Methods for prioritizing tasks

Now is the time to prioritize your tasks. You can use one of these methods:

The ABC method

This is about the importance and urgency of tasks. Mark the tasks with A, B, C. Where in the tasks marked with A are the most important, B less important and C the least important. Focus on the A tasks as they are key to your goals. B and C can be dealt with after you complete task A.

The Eisenhower Matrix method

This method is based on: Importance and necessity. I am attaching a picture for easier representation.

The Eisenhower Matrix method

The Moscow method

This method is especially useful for projects and planning. Sort tasks into four categories: Must, Should, Could, and Won’t.

The Moscow method

The Pareto Method (80/20 Rule)

According to this method, 80% of results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the 20% of tasks that bring you the most results and focus on them. This will make better use of your time and achieve more with less effort. Let’s say: You recognize that 80% of your distractions come from 20% of your most frequent distractions, such as irrelevant email or social media. Avoid unnecessary web browsing and schedule time to check email so you can focus more on key tasks.

The Pomodoro method

The Pomodoro Method is a simple and effective time management approach based on time intervals. The name of the method comes from the tomato-shaped kitchen counter (Italian “Pomodoro”) used by the method’s founder, Francesco Cirillo.


  • Goal Setting: Define the task you want to accomplish. It could be studying for an exam, writing an essay, or completing a work assignment.
  • Time interval setting: Set the time interval to the usual 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. We call this interval “pomodoro”.
  • Task Execution: Focus on the task and work without interruption until the timer rings after 25 minutes.
  • Break countdown: After 25 minutes, take a 5-minute relaxation break. This break allows you to refresh yourself before the next “Pomodoro”.
  • Repeat the cycle: After the 5-minute break, start a new “Pomodoro” and refocus on the task at hand. After every fourth performance of the Pomodoro, take a longer break, usually 15-30 minutes.

The “Eat That Frog” Method

The method is based on doing the most difficult or most unpleasant task (i.e. Eating the frog) first before starting other tasks. It is precisely the most difficult task that causes the most stress and is often the one that has the greatest impact on our goals.

Make a realistic schedule of your tasks that takes into account your capabilities and limitations. Don’t overdo it by loading up on too many tasks in a short amount of time, as this will only frustrate you and reduce your productivity. Rather, take enough time to complete tasks and focus on quality over quantity.

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Limit distractions

Distractions such as e-mail, social networks, and radio can seriously affect your productivity. If you want to get more done in less time, limit the time you spend on these distractions. For example, set a time frame for checking e-mail and social networks, namely during breaks or at the end of the workday. For sure, this point will be one of the more difficult ones, but self-control has incredible power here.

Ask for help

Don’t feel bad about asking for help. If you have too much on your plate, delegate certain tasks to others who can do them just as well as you. This will allow you to focus on tasks that require your skills and knowledge.

Take time for yourself

I agree that sometimes the day flies by too quickly, but let’s admit that we need a bit of peace and relaxation. Without a bad conscience, set aside a few minutes a day, it can be an evening routine when you devote yourself to your favorite book, do an evening treatment, drink a cup of tea, and the like.

Set boundaries

Boundaries are not only important in relationships but also in the world of tasks. If you’re already overwhelmed with obligations anyway, express it. Whether it’s your boss or a friend. If you explain the situation to the person, they will surely understand you, don’t impose extra work on yourself if you are not relieved yourself.

Reduce multitasking

Do you find yourself multitasking? Well, it usually refers to the female gender. But the task will be best accomplished if we focus on just one thing. It’s like we’re in several places at once. Did you know that only 2% of people can effectively multitask? Yes, the other 98% of people are wasting their time and productivity.

Combine similar tasks

If you have to answer emails, use that time to make calls as well. If you know you have to take the package to the post office and there’s an ATM there, why not do two things at the same time. Therefore, the organization and analysis of all obligations and tasks are recommended. At the same time, you will gain time, which is great.

Use timekeeping apps

Considering how advanced we have become, there are also apps on the market that can help you manage your time and track your progress. So why not take advantage of the given apps, some of which are completely free.

Time management is a true art that requires awareness, discipline, and flexibility. Do not forget about motivation, which is an important component of all obligations and goals, without it we are baked on the sofa, but not literally. Use quotes, affirmations, podcasts, a gratitude journal, and similar strategies to keep yourself motivated and start managing your time wisely. All the best until next time. If you found the article useful, help others and share it.

Which time management technique impressed you the most?

Techniques For Time Management And Better Planning Of The Day

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  1. Thanks for the tips! Figuring out my productive hours was an absolute gamechanger! Will try out the other tips as well to become even more productive.

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