13 Simple Exercises For Focus And Concentration Training

13 Simple Exercises For Focus And Concentration Training

Have you noticed that in the middle of an important task or task, you completely lose concentration? Do your thoughts become confused, are there distractions and attitudes that are not part of this activity? Then you must stay with me. When we talk about concentration training, we refer to the control over attention, which we all have. Don’t worry, improving your mental focus is totally doable, but that doesn’t mean it’s always quick and easy. It will take some persistence.

The increasingly fast rhythm of life brings information overload at every step, notifications that accumulate on our electronic devices, news, and countless other information often force us to multitask, and this is where our concentration comes to the fore. When other unrelated activities grab our time and attention, we quickly lose control of our concentration on a given task.

13 Simple Exercises For Focus And Concentration Training

What factors confuse concentration

  1. Social networks / Phone usage (Social media is one of the silent concentration killers. Every notification you receive redirects your attention to technology. Even if you would just check a certain notification, later it develops into long browsing on social networks. I think you are familiar with it.)
  2. Multitasking (Pay attention if you can really multitask. Here, experts have also come to the conclusion that you will spend less time if you do each task completely separately. And not all at once.)
  3. Not an interesting task ( Some tasks that come as part of life are interesting and others a little less so. That is why boring and uninteresting tasks are among the distractions. Why not browse the internet, even clean a certain area, just to avoid the tedious task.)
  4. Intrusive thoughts ( It is difficult to concentrate on a certain task if worries, thoughts unrelated to this activity, ideas and feelings are running wild in our heads. )
  5. Stress and fatigue (When too many pressures and accumulated things accumulate in our lives, this is where focus also takes a hit. This is accompanied by insomnia, headaches, muscle tension, and similar symptoms. Fatigue is also inevitable here, research shows that lack of sleep reduces attention and negatively affects short-term memory – forgetfulness.)
  6. Diet and inactivity (Never skip meals, your brain needs fuel to function. Put together nutritious meals and snacks that will raise your concentration level. As we know, physical activity has many advantages, one of them being that we fill our brains with oxygen and speed up blood circulation throughout the body. Even if it’s just a walk in nature.)
  7. Environment (When the environment is full of distractions such as noise, poor lighting, cold or too warm, the comfort of the chair, and the like. Such a factor can distract our focus or concentration.)

Let’s do concentration training

Improve your sleep rhythm

Lack of sleep manifests itself in the long term as mood swings, confusion, poor concentration, and forgetfulness. Therefore, do not neglect sleep. Establish your evening routine, stick to your bedtime and maintain your sleep schedule. If you struggle with insomnia, find the source and try to eliminate the inconvenience.

Stop distractions

Surely you expected this advice. But it actually works, when you’re doing a certain activity, remove all distractions. Silence notifications on your phone or take it to another room, make your environment as comfortable as possible. Tell the people next to you not to disturb you and the like.

Do not multitask

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid multitasking, I totally agree. But focus training and good quality of the completed task can only be if we focus on only one thing and not on 10 others.

Practice mindfulness

Involvement in the present moment is training for focus. Simply get into a comfortable position, wherever you are, close your eyes, and watch and listen to your breathing. Simply be present in the present moment, you can also go out into nature and simply just observe the environment around you. Too often our thoughts dart to the past and the future, and we lose sight of the present moment.

Amazing Evidence Of How Gratitude Improves Life

This exercise is very helpful in training attention. Instead, you think about what you have to do in two days, and what someone told you yesterday. Rather than connect with the present, be present. With this, you will create wonderful memories and your concentration will be strengthened more and more.

Take a break

If we know ourselves well and notice when our body begins to betray us. If you are preparing for an exam at school, you will notice over time how environmental factors attract your attention. That’s why you better stop and dedicate this time to a break. Have a snack, get some fresh air, or simply stretch. Set yourself the time you need to take a break and gather new energy.

How To Regain Balance When You’re Hit By Burnout

Here I can add a tip, the use of a timer. Simply determine how much time you will devote to a certain task, during this time be active and direct your attention only to that task. When the alarm goes off, simply stop and take a break. This exercise will encourage you in your concentration training, similar to the way athletes have it, the difference being that maybe the coach is encouraging them there. Try it out.

Train your brain

Keep your brain active by reading, solving crossword puzzles, or other mind games. If you love to use your mobile phone, it provides you with many games. You can play chess or find a mind game to distract and stimulate your brain. Just 15 minutes of training a day will improve your focus and concentration.

Organize your tasks

Make a time plan for how the activities will follow each other throughout the day. Here I advise you to put the most demanding tasks at the beginning, and those tasks that do not require a lot of concentration at the end. At the beginning of the day, you will definitely be more collected, and you will also get rid of tasks that are definitely not too close to your heart.

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When it comes to focus, we must not forget about a balanced diet. Rich in fruits, grains, vegetables, and honey. Although sometimes some tasks require more concentration from us, we can reach for a sugary snack. Wait, I’m thinking of a healthy sweet snack here.

Here are some foods that have been proven to have a good effect on concentration:

  • Fish
  • Dark chocolate
  • Berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, black currants, raspberries and mulberries)
  • Seeds and Nuts
  • Coffee
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Soy products
  • Coconut oil
  • Eggs


Here it all depends on each individual, try different sounds and if listening to music helps you focus at work, just include it every step of the way. I myself like motivational, calm music during work. I have found that it is much more useful if you choose instrumental music, without singing. That way, the music won’t take over your concentration.

Organize your workspace

I mentioned above that an uncomfortable environment is among the distractions of concentration, you can take action here. Analyze your workspace well, what is it that distracts you from work. Maybe just a cluttered work surface, organize it, and try to arrange it as best as possible. If you don’t have enough light, think about an additional light (e.g. maybe even a desk light).

Include movement

Research shows that movement increases the blood flow to the brain, so the cells are prepared in a higher gear for a new task. Just 10 minutes of exercise has positive effects on attention, as it releases key chemicals that are beneficial for memory and mental focus. As for the choice of movement, it is completely yours, it can be running, brisk walking, walking, group exercises, yoga, and the like. Listen to your body and your feelings, which movement is your favorite.


When we feel dehydrated and thirsty, it is too late. So make sure you drink enough fluids, of course, I will recommend water. You’ve probably already seen liquid containers that remind you to drink. This new innovation is useful, especially for people who have a fast pace of life and quickly forget to drink liquids. A lack of focus can be a quick indicator that you’re not drinking enough and you’re slowly dehydrating your body.

Manage stress

Stress is one of the factors that destroy focus. Because stress burdens the mind, it makes it jump here and there, causes insomnia and fatigue, and with all this, concentration suffers. So practice relaxation techniques and observe your body. I think listening to yourself and your body is very important. This is the only way we can notice early and take action, regardless of what is happening to us. At the same time, we can remove ourselves from factors that harm us.

Building mental focus takes time. Take care of your well-being and a healthy lifestyle, while always paying attention and listening to what your body is telling you. I wish you all the best next time.

How will you apply the new concentration training techniques you learned today in your life?

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