How To Rise To A Higher Frequency And Create A More Harmonious Life

How to Attain Higher Vibrations and Frequencies Effortlessly

In today’s world, it’s easy to lose touch with inner harmony. However, by understanding the concept of vibrations and frequencies, we can learn how to navigate life more easily with greater ease and positivity. Let’s discover together techniques for attaining higher vibrations and frequencies effortlessly and delve deeper into this topic.

Our well-being is a good indicator of the frequencies we are vibrating on. When we vibrate at a higher level, we feel much lighter, relaxed, and simply happier, while lower vibrations give us a sense of heaviness, confusion, depletion, anger, and tension.

Therefore, it is all the more important to consciously choose where we will direct our attention daily and what we will allow to infect our energy. This is precisely why I do not watch television news. And then I often hear: “But isn’t it good for general knowledge?” Well, knowledge about crime? Celebrity divorces? Political disputes?

How to Attain Higher Vibrations and Frequencies Effortlessly

Understanding vibrations and frequencies

Everything in the universe is built from energy. Every object, person, and even thought emits a unique vibrational frequency. These frequencies can be either low or high, depending on the quality of the energy they carry. When we talk about “Raising vibrations and frequencies,” we refer to elevating the energetic quality of our being to a higher frequency. High frequencies are associated with love, generosity, and inner peace.

We can all influence how high frequencies we are

Certainly, in most cases, we can overestimate and change our atmosphere. Self-awareness plays a role here, where we notice which environment or situation has a bad effect on us.

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Let's take a simple example: In your childhood, although you were naughty and open to everything, society marked you with constant teasing and condemnation. Deep inside, your doors were slowly closing, you became more closed in on yourself, you found it harder and harder to trust people, you were surrounded by shame, and from that you developed lying.
This trauma has accompanied you until now, as a result, the negative energy part of you came to life deep inside you. Regardless of what face you show to the world, you will always receive feelings of inferiority, doubts, and the need to hide and protect yourself from the outside world. 

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Such unconscious little things take us away from maximum high frequencies, to free ourselves from this, we must be aware and be ready to act. Our energy has a lot to do with understanding the ego. Which is our rival, constantly pulling us into a duel, while at the same time pushing away positive vibes. Learn to conserve energy and keep it as high as possible despite negative situations.

Let's take the example again: If your best friend or a close family member is somehow stuck in the hospital due to an illness/surgery. And you go to visit this person who surrounds you with their feelings, with pain, sadness and disappointment. And you automatically empathize with that person's emotions. You certainly won't leave the hospital in a good mood, don't you agree? Therefore, in such cases it comes in handy if you know how to protect your energy well. 

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Because with our energy, we quickly stun others around us, if they do not know how to defend themselves against negative energies. The situation would be completely different, your solid high frequency and strong energy would radiate from you, and at the same time, you would pour this positivity into the person who is in the hospital in this case. They would infuse the person with hope, goodwill and positive words.

So what will rise to higher vibrations?

The frequency of the earth is 27.4 Hz, but some places go down the path of 20 Hz, we are talking about hospitals, cemeteries, aid centers, prisons, and the underground. Everything we see around us vibrates at a certain frequency, and it can be measured with physical instruments that measure scalar waves. So to move to the highest possible frequency, you need to bring clarity, peace, love, tenderness, joy, and similar emotions to yourself. If we can describe positive emotions in one word.

The Human Emotional Vibration Chart

  • 700 Hz Enlightenment
  • 600 Hz Peace
  • 540 Hz Joy
  • 500 Hz Love
  • 400 Hz Reason
  • 350 Hz Acceptance
  • 310 Hz Willingness
  • 250 Hz Neutrality
  • 200 Hz Courage
  • 175 Hz Pride
  • 150 Hz Anger
  • 125 Hz Desire
  • 100Hz Fear
  • 75 Hz Grief
  • 50 Hz Apathy
  • 30 Hz Guilt
  • 20 Hz Shame

The scale of emotions with different energies Dr. Joe Dispenza

Techniques for raising vibrations and frequencies

1. Create a positive mindset

  • Cultivate a mindset of optimism and positivity.
  • Practice gratitude daily to shift your focus to the good in your life.
  • Challenge and reframe negative thoughts when they arise.

2. Use affirmations daily

  • Write down and repeat positive affirmations that resonate with your goals and desires.
  • Use present-tense affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself.

3. Have positive self-talk

  • Replace self-criticism with self-compassion.
  • Acknowledge your strengths and achievements regularly.

4. Listen to music that increases frequency (528 Hz, 432 Hz)

  • Explore music with frequencies like 528 Hz or 432 Hz, which are believed to have healing and transformative properties.
  • Use music as a tool to shift your emotional state and create a positive atmosphere.

5. Help others and spread kindness

  • Engage in acts of kindness and service to others.
  • Recognize the ripple effect of your positive actions on the world.

6. Meditate and visualize positive energy

  • Dedicate time to meditation to calm your mind and connect with your inner self.
  • Visualize a radiant aura of positive energy surrounding you, protecting and uplifting your spirit.

7. Expand your consciousness

  • Read books and research topics that expand your awareness and understanding.
  • Listen to inspirational speakers like Joe Dispenza and Eckhart Tolle for fresh perspectives and insights.

8. Move your body

  • Engage in physical activity that you enjoy, such as yoga, dancing, or sports.
  • Physical movement helps release endorphins and elevates your overall mood.

9. Be grateful

  • Keep a gratitude journal to record things you’re thankful for daily.
  • Reflecting on your blessings reinforces a positive mindset.

10. Surround yourself with positive people

  • Choose friends and acquaintances who support your well-being and share your positive values.
  • Limit time spent with individuals who drain your energy.

11. Spend time in nature

  • Nature has a calming and grounding effect. Take walks, hike, or simply relax in natural surroundings.
  • Witnessing the beauty of nature can boost your frequency.

12. Forgive others and yourself

  • Practice forgiveness as a path to inner peace.
  • Release grudges and resentment, and focus on self-healing and growth.

13. Practice self-acceptance and self-awareness

  • Embrace your authentic self and acknowledge your imperfections.
  • Self-awareness enables personal growth and transformation.

14 Explore yourself and address past traumas

  • Delve into your inner self to identify and address buried emotional pain, fears, or traumas.
  • Seek professional support if needed to heal and move forward.

15. Try breathing exercises or yoga

  • Incorporate deep breathing exercises or yoga into your daily routine to reduce stress and promote inner peace.
  • These practices enhance mindfulness and well-being.

16. Read an encouraging book

  • Choose inspirational books that resonate with your personal growth journey.
  • Reading empowers you with knowledge and perspectives.

17. Practice self-care

  • Prioritize self-care by dedicating time to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  • Self-care includes activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

18. Avoid negative environments

  • If your workplace or social environment is toxic and negatively affects your well-being, consider making changes.
  • It’s essential to prioritize your mental and emotional health.

19. Limit exposure to negative information

  • Reduce exposure to negative news, TV, and social media, which can contribute to stress and anxiety.
  • Be mindful of how media consumption affects your mindset.

20. Express your creativity

  • Engage in creative outlets like writing, drawing, painting, or crafting.
  • Creative expression can be therapeutic and uplifting.

21. Consider pet ownership

  • If you’re an animal lover, consider adopting a pet to bring joy, companionship, and warmth into your life.
  • Pets can be a source of unconditional love.

22. Create rituals and celebrations

  • Establish personal rituals or ceremonies to mark special occasions or moments of intention-setting.
  • Rituals can reinforce your connection to higher frequencies.

23. Embrace joyful activities

  • Sing, dance, and take pleasure in the small, everyday beauties of life.
  • Celebrate moments of happiness and cultivate positivity.

24. Learn to let go and ego detoxification

  • Practice releasing attachments, grudges, and ego-driven desires.
  • Letting go of unnecessary burdens can elevate your frequency.

25. Adopt strategies to cope with stress

  • Develop effective stress-coping strategies, such as mindfulness, time management, and relaxation techniques.
  • These tools will help you navigate challenging periods more smoothly.

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